Managing Menstrual Pain Naturally
A more natural way to relieve menstrual pain For some women, the beginning of menstruation simply means they're entering the next phase of their lives.
For the lucky ones, it may just be a bit of discomfort.
However, many women get severe menstrual pains that leave them incapacitated for days.
Their menstrual pain may include cramps, water retention and bloating, breast tenderness, facial spots and pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS).
Studies show that dysmenhorrea, or painful periods, is experienced from time to time by up to 90% of women.
Are drugs the solution? Through the years, women have looked for solutions to relieve menstrual pain.
Some have turned to analgesic tablets like Tylenol, Advil or Pamprin.
These common drugs may take the edge off the pain, but do nothing to limit or manage the actual cause and must commonly be used month after month.
Hormone supplements in the form of birth control pills are often prescribed to women who are having difficult periods.
While convincing the body that it is pregnant once per month may regulate periods, it often induces bloating, weight gain and mood swings.
A European drug-free solution for menstrual pain In Europe, women have been using magnetic therapy for years to relieve menstrual pain.
At the beginning of a period, a small unobtrusive magnet encased in smooth plastic is worn against the skin a few inches below the navel and held in place by a second magnet on the outside of the underwear.
Although these magnets (called "mn8") are small, they are quite powerful and appear to naturally help the body ease through menstrual pain, making the symptoms easier to handle or even completely eliminating them.
The magnetic field seems to improve the body's ability to send electro-chemical messages to the brain telling it to send resources to the site of the injury or illness and also increasing circulation.
Thousands of women claim it helps them every month Although some scientists say there is no explanation for how magnets could relieve menstrual pain, thousands of women in Europe and now in North America too use them every month to find relief.
For them, it's a drug-free way to get through the month in comfort.
Learn more about how magnetic therapy can relieve menstrual pain and why it may be the drug-free solution for women like you.
For the lucky ones, it may just be a bit of discomfort.
However, many women get severe menstrual pains that leave them incapacitated for days.
Their menstrual pain may include cramps, water retention and bloating, breast tenderness, facial spots and pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS).
Studies show that dysmenhorrea, or painful periods, is experienced from time to time by up to 90% of women.
Are drugs the solution? Through the years, women have looked for solutions to relieve menstrual pain.
Some have turned to analgesic tablets like Tylenol, Advil or Pamprin.
These common drugs may take the edge off the pain, but do nothing to limit or manage the actual cause and must commonly be used month after month.
Hormone supplements in the form of birth control pills are often prescribed to women who are having difficult periods.
While convincing the body that it is pregnant once per month may regulate periods, it often induces bloating, weight gain and mood swings.
A European drug-free solution for menstrual pain In Europe, women have been using magnetic therapy for years to relieve menstrual pain.
At the beginning of a period, a small unobtrusive magnet encased in smooth plastic is worn against the skin a few inches below the navel and held in place by a second magnet on the outside of the underwear.
Although these magnets (called "mn8") are small, they are quite powerful and appear to naturally help the body ease through menstrual pain, making the symptoms easier to handle or even completely eliminating them.
The magnetic field seems to improve the body's ability to send electro-chemical messages to the brain telling it to send resources to the site of the injury or illness and also increasing circulation.
Thousands of women claim it helps them every month Although some scientists say there is no explanation for how magnets could relieve menstrual pain, thousands of women in Europe and now in North America too use them every month to find relief.
For them, it's a drug-free way to get through the month in comfort.
Learn more about how magnetic therapy can relieve menstrual pain and why it may be the drug-free solution for women like you.