Thoughts on Abstract Expressionism
Abstract Expressionism is a style of artwork characterized by spontaneous application of paint, reliance on the forces of nature such as gravity and physics to contribute to the creative process and the expression of pure emotion along with or rather than realistic subject matter. Some Abstract Expressionist painting is sometimes referred to as "Action Painting," since the canvas is worked in such a way that the painter is engaged in a very physical process while working. The Action Paintert, in the privacy of her or his studio, may dance around a canvas while flinging the paint in wild yet controlled physical gestures. For some artists painting in the style of the Abstract Expressionists, it is often as much about the process of creation as the finished work of art. The painter is experiencing a communication with the paint, the canvas and the other forces working to manipulate the paint such as gravity and the chemistry of the medium. The painter engages in a dance with the canvas, allowing the natural tendencies of the materials to express themselves. That is not to say there is no control. On the contrary, the experienced Abstract Expressionist painter understands his materials the way a dancer understands her or his partner. Although spontaneity is encouraged and embraced, there is technique and control that allows for predictable results. The result of this process creates a not only the meditative state achieved by all artists in the midst of their work, but also an experience of catharsis. The emotional release associated with many creative activities is combined with the euphoric state similar to that achieved by athletes.
Abstract Expressionism is often non-representational, meaning that the images in the paintings are not readily identifiable the way landscape, portrait or still life subject matter is. This leads many critics to make the mistake of thinking that abstract art is either inferior, easy or both. The age-old stereotypical statement to the effect of, "My five-year old could do that!" comes to mind. The fact of the matter is that Abstract Expressionists have their own techniques for controlling the paint and achieving desirable results, developed over years of practice and experimentation. Another important point is intention. The Abstract Expressionists are not attempting to create an accurate image of a real-life object, they are attempting to achieve the proper conditions to experience an altered state of consciousness through the process of creative expression. The most famous Abstract Expressionist, Jackson Pollock, summed it up nicely when he said, "The modern artist is working with space and time, and expressing his feelings rather than illustrating." With regards to the image, it is not necessarily random or totally unplanned. For many Abstract Expressionists, the image is intended to communicate emotion, thought and feeling directly to the viewer in such a way that it bypasses the common filters of the critical mind.
Abstract Expressionism is often non-representational, meaning that the images in the paintings are not readily identifiable the way landscape, portrait or still life subject matter is. This leads many critics to make the mistake of thinking that abstract art is either inferior, easy or both. The age-old stereotypical statement to the effect of, "My five-year old could do that!" comes to mind. The fact of the matter is that Abstract Expressionists have their own techniques for controlling the paint and achieving desirable results, developed over years of practice and experimentation. Another important point is intention. The Abstract Expressionists are not attempting to create an accurate image of a real-life object, they are attempting to achieve the proper conditions to experience an altered state of consciousness through the process of creative expression. The most famous Abstract Expressionist, Jackson Pollock, summed it up nicely when he said, "The modern artist is working with space and time, and expressing his feelings rather than illustrating." With regards to the image, it is not necessarily random or totally unplanned. For many Abstract Expressionists, the image is intended to communicate emotion, thought and feeling directly to the viewer in such a way that it bypasses the common filters of the critical mind.