Easy Way to Recognize Male Menopause Symptoms
Just like in women, men can experience a drop in hormone levels, although this usually happens earlier in men than in women.
In fact, it is said that the "middle age crisis" a man is going through may be due to male menopause symptoms.
All in all it is a good idea to know a little about the possibility of males dealing with menopause symptoms.
You may be a little more familiar with this disease when it is called by a more popular term; andropause.
This term is basically a way of describing the same thing as menopause, but it is designed to let men keep their own identity and vice-versa.
Like women estrogen levels decline to create the cycle of menopause, men is testosterone levels decline to create the same condition.
Men also do not end to naturally lose testosterone, but declining levels usually are brought on by things like depression, stress, lethargy and obesity.
Menopause in men is not necessarily the same thing as menopause in women, because men never lose fertility as women do.
Mans Experienced The Same Symptoms Many of the symptoms experienced by women during menopause are the same as what men may experience.
However, male menopause symptoms tend to be a lot less dramatic than symptoms shown in women.
Hot flashes are common and tend to happen while being active.
The feeling of heat quickly flushes through the body, creating sweat and redness in the face, and an overwhelming feeling of being cooked.
These symptoms can be controlled by making sure big, soft ice packs are available as often as possible.
Another common male menopause symptom is night sweats.
Waking up in the middle of the night to sweating and being uncomfortable and hot is something else that can be controlled by using ice packs when necessary.
Taking naps during the day when possible is another good idea so that lethargy does not become a problem.
Depression and mood swings are symptoms of male menopause that people mistake for as a "mid life crisis".
In fact, it is a crisis to many people but being able to acknowledge these mood swings and depressed feelings is the first step in controlling these male menopause symptoms.
Seeing a therapist and making sure to stay clear of alcohol are good ways of overcoming these symptoms.