A Onex/qlxchange Review-is Onex/qlxchange A Scam?
OneX was designed as a feeder program for Qlxchnage. Onex with an extremely low entry fee of only $5 one time and with a potential income of $99, 460 without even sponsoring, is sweeping the world. Add to that the huge potential earnings by sponsoring and it is blowing people's minds and skyrocketing.
Onex/Qlxchange with its huge members list, is growing fast without using big advertising. People are joining up around the world and are reviewing this brand new opportunity. With such a small investment people are testing it just to see if it is for real.
The products that OneX offers are online business educational materials that are created by experts in the industry, which will help you on your journey to achieving success online! OneX can produce a fabulous income all by itself, but as a feeder program, OneX can help you build a QLxchange business automatically by offering a super easy program (OneX) for you to earn enough income to invest in the gold and silver program developed by QLxchange. You do NOT have to join QLxchange, you may want to use OneX as a feeder program to another business of your choice
Onex is a simple opportunity. Sign up pay pay the one time fee of $5 and tell others. Although the same process is used for all network marketing the $5 entry takes out all the risk and fear associated with the business. Really there are members that pay your entry fee just for trying out the system. http://www.rcmleads.com/Q_One_X.html.
How can you make a lot of money for only $5? It's volume volume volume. $5 to earn $99,460 without even sponsoring a single person is a very simple choice. Who wouldn't do that? That is the best risk to reward you will ever find. They use a 4 by 4 matrix with two stages and each stage has 4 tiers. This means there are 4 rows and 4 below each of those 4 a total of 16. Then 4 under each of those for a total of 64 and then 4 for each of those for a total of 256. When you enter you are placed on you sponsors 4 by 4 matrix. When the 4 positions below you are filled you make $20. On all the other tiers it is a 50/50 split with your sponsor so the second tier of 16 you make $80 and your sponsor gets $80 and so on. This goes 4 levels deep and then a second stage. When complete both stages your total income is $99,460 if you haven't sponsored anyone.
If you need additional information contact me at rcmleads.com or surf the web. Onex/Qlxchange is new so the results are not in on the program. Time will tell if this is another fly by night program. If the 4X4 seems difficult to understand Onex has a ton of videos on the web that explains it better.