Mind-Body Pain
- During the past decade, Western Medicine has embraced the Traditional Chinese Medicine belief that the mind and body are connected. The first documented research conducted in 1964 by Dr. George Solomon studied the effect that emotions have on inflammation and immune response. In 1970, Dr. Herbert Benson experimented with the effect of meditation on high blood pressure. Since then, countless research has followed.
- A study conducted at Stanford University in 2005 investigated the connection between actual pain levels and the subjects perceived pain levels. The study used functional MRI to assess the subjects' ability to control the area of the brain responsible for pain by employing imagery techniques. Researchers found that many patients were able to reduce their actual pain levels by as much as 40 percent.
- One of the most common mind-body treatments, biofeedback involves training individuals to exercise control over their body to improve health. The technique teaches people to recognize and control processes such as blood pressure or heart rate, which are normally involuntary actions. The patient is hooked up to electrodes that record these activities and display them on a monitor. Observing behavioral response allows the patient to modify responses accordingly.
- There are several relaxation techniques that emphasize the mind-body connection and have shown great success in pain reduction. Some examples of relaxation techniques include visual imagery, meditation, body awareness and muscle relaxation.
- Other treatments for pain that rely on the mind-body connection include hypnosis, spirituality and cognitive behavior modification. Some examples of mind-body pain control are envisioning pain fleeing from your body, deliberately tensing and loosening your individual muscles, deep breathing and chanting.
- Mind over matter implies that your mind may be powerful enough to control pain. It stresses the importance of positive thinking and an optimistic outlook. Just as positive thinking can have a beneficial influence on the body, stress and negativity can have disastrous effects that result in pain and illness. By consciously taking action against pain and controlling your thought processes, you can improve your health and well being.
Relaxation Techniques