7 Stages of Freelancer Dress Code
Your freelancing “dress code” is somewhat determined by your job, and somewhat determined by what you feel like wearing. TheSquareFoot recently released an infographic depicting seven stages of freelancer dress code and the types of freelancers that might dress in these certain styles. Mobile users will be able to see that graphic right here on this page, other users may need to click through to Pinterest to view it due to its size.
So, where do you fall in the freelancer dress code? Here are three examples.
Skype Meeting-Chic
Like #2 on the infographic, I like to dress in what I call my “Skype Meeting Outfit.” From the waist up, all business. But from the waist on down, I’ve probably got on my running shorts! No one will ever know! (Except the neighbor, when I go get the mail!)
Wardrobe Show-Off
Sometimes I like to remind the other moms at school pick up that I’m still a reasonably fashionable person with a real wardrobe. That’s when I pull out an outfit like #4 in the graphic. Of course, I hate writing all day in uncomfortable clothes, so no one tell them that I actually throw it on at about 3:00pm!
Real Meetings
As opposed to Skype meetings, sometimes you actually have to get dressed and talk to real people-- in real life and everything! That’s when you go with #6 in the graphic. But here’s a hint: help yourself out by scheduling all those pesky meetings in one day.
No matter where you fall in the evolution of freelance dress, one thing to keep in mind is that, with this career, you’ve got the freedom to choose where you fall on the spectrum—and that’s more than most people can say!
PS- I must thank TheSquareFoot, for sharing this funny infographic! They help freelancers like us answer the question But Where Do I Work? When you’ve evolved past your home office and jammies, they can help you find your own, more formal space!
So, what's your dress code? Discuss this article or ask me questions at any of my social media outlets:
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