Why Is Recycling Oil Important and How Do I Do It?
One of the products which until recently I didn't know you could recycle is oil.
I've written the following article to help inform you of how you can recycle oil so I hope you find the following article informative and helpful.
Don't forget that your local council is a great source of information in regards to recycling so take advantage of this and use it to your best.
Oil is often changed on a regular basis in your car and although this is needed it can mean that we are throwing away lots of oil and damaging the environment.
Although you cannot recycle oil like you can tin, glass and paper.
The advantage with these materials is that many people have a curb side collection so they don't even need to leave their house.
This is important so take some time to recycle your oil.
It is expected that around 500 million litres of oil is sold each year in places such as the USA and Australia.
There are many vehicle engines and machinery which will provide lots of large volumes of used oil that many people would throw away but in fact can be reclaimed.
If you dispose of oil incorrectly it can kill wildlife as you can easily intoxicate their drinking water and damage the environment Used is often called 'sump' so watch out for this.
Old liquid although it's dirty can be cleaned and then re-used.
You can contact your local council for information on drop off area.
If you wish to drop of oil from a domestic home they can often be dropped off near landfill sites where the recycling plant is.