Affiliate Marketing Tips: Grow Your Affiliate Commissions By Diversifying Your Efforts The RIGHT Way
How much do you make in commissions? If you're promoting the average ClickBank product, or dime sale products on the Warrior Forum, it's probably just a few dollars per product sale.
Of course if you sell a lot of those, all is well.
But what if you don't? I'd like to suggest that you consider diversifying your portfolio of the affiliate marketing products you promote.
It should contain at least the following three different types of affiliate products.
1) The Low Hanging Fruit With Low Hanging Fruit I mean affiliate products that are relatively easy to convert - and that don't cost much money.
Good examples for those include the products you'll find on the Warrior Forum, on ClickBank, and similar places.
Most of them are priced low enough to qualify as impulse buys, and what they lack in commission size they can easily make up in volume, as long as you're good at promoting them.
However, the commissions only arrive as long as you promote, and as long as the product is available.
2) Recurring Commissions Even if you do well with those low hanging fruit products, you'll often find that the earnings fluctuate...
a LOT.
You need something to provide a more regular income.
And there are products that are perfect for this: those with recurring commissions.
You can find those on ClickBank as well.
Just look for the little green R in the product description.
Plus there are other products that lend themselves to recurring income, for example autoresponder and hosting services as well as membership sites.
The thing is that once people have signed up for those, they tend to stick with them for a long time.
Just make sure the services really do offer recurring income.
Just make sure you know how the program works...
When it comes to web hosting services, some of them do pay recurring commissions, while many others, including some big players, just pay a one-time commission.
If you earn lots of those commissions, getting just one-time payments can work for you.
Otherwise, why not look for a program that pays you more than once.
3) High Paying Affiliate Programs Finally, you should also have a few high paying affiliate programs in your portfolio.
A lot of people are afraid to promote them since they believe they are difficult to sell.
That's not necessarily the case.
If you market them to the right audience, they're not all that hard to sell, and the pay-off can be huge.
So while they might not come in quite as regularly as the low hanging fruit, they can give your overall earning a big boost.
That makes them a terrific "third leg" for a solid affiliate marketing portfolio.