How to Merge Into Highway Traffic
- 1). Use the entire length of the ramp and the acceleration lane at the end of the ramp to reach the prevailing speed on the freeway.
- 2). Adjust your speed, if necessary, to be ready to move into a gap in traffic when you reach the end of the acceleration lane. Look for a large enough gap in traffic so that a motorist on the freeway will not need to adjust his speed to allow you to merge. Use your turn signal to alert other motorists of your intention to merge.
- 3). Merge into the freeway traffic lane when it can be done safely. Ramp traffic must yield to traffic that is already on the freeway.
- 4). If the freeway traffic is very heavy and slow-moving, it may be necessary to slow or stop on the ramp prior to safely merging into traffic. Do not drive across painted islands, on the shoulders, or leave the paved area to enter gaps in traffic.