What Happens If and When Pakistan Finally Falls?
They had those crazy elections, they ousted their last president, and Al Qaeda and the Taliban and are enjoying themselves with a lot of political clout from within that nation, as they find sanctuary there.
The Pakistani government has been infiltrated by terrorist sympathizers, and their military is weak and has also been infiltrated.
Whereas, people were worried that Pakistan might have fallen previously, I would submit to you that they should still be fearful, it could happen this year, or the next just as easily as it might have in the past.
Our current president promised us during the election they would he would hunt down Al Qaeda, and Osama bin Laden no matter where he was, no matter which country he was hiding out in.
Well, if he is still alive that country would be Pakistan, not Afghanistan.
If the US moves into Pakistan to root out our nation's adversaries, and enemies, can the Pakistani government survive? Remember, that a good many people in their population side with the radical Islamic terrorist groups.
Of course, we hear a lot of talk from our president.
He said a whole bunch of different things depending on, which teleprompting script he was using on which day.
After all, we are liable to hear him say something at the G-20 that contradicts something he says that the UN, or contradicts something he says in the US media, or something he says while traveling abroad or giving a speech in places like Egypt.
The man is a one-man road show, with more talk and hot air (in my opinion) than the East Winds known as Santa Ana's in California or global warming itself.
If you find that accusation, or opinion too tough for your little ears, or too non-politically correct for you to contemplate, then that sounds like a personal problem, one that you're gonna have to deal with yourself.
As far as I'm concerned my opinion stands, I believe it to be fact, and until you can prove me otherwise deal with it.