A Guide To Your Dog Training for Law Enforcement

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In recent years, dogs have become an intricate part of lawenforcement.
Dog training for law enforcement purposes iscritical in preparing them for their role in law enforcement.
This type of training will have your canine performing more thenbasic guard duties, security, protection or agility exercises.
Inlaw enforcement your k9 duties are very clear, and the trainingprogram is designed to assist them in performing their duties totheir best ability.
All k-9 breeds have a unique sense of smell;dogtraining can hone those skills to find anyone whether it isahundred yards away or in a place that no one would think tolook.
Police canine training is very rigid because the dogs will bedealing with life and death situations.
They are trained to findevidence at a crime scene, or to find lost or missing peoplemiles away from where they were last seen.
Dog training alsoteaches the dogs how to handle any type of disturbance includingdomestic.
There are many duties that a police dog must perform to be aviable part of police units, and the right training is critical.
One of the toughest duties on a police dog is a search and rescuemission.
Another of their most dangerous duties is the detectionof drugs and explosive equipment.
These two situations requirethat the police dog be highly trained and responsive to voicecommands.
This would also include the proper level of obedienceso the canine barks,bites and will attack only when instructedand not because of a hostile situation.
Professional lawenforcement trainers from the top training schools believe thatone police dog is equal to ten policemen.
The key to training a police dog effectively is that the dog andthe handler must be compatible.
If there is no chemistry betweenthem, then the training will not be effective.
A handler mustconnect with the dog, using a mix psychology, sternness, andunderstanding.
The handler is the person who trains the dog; heor she also will be on duty with the dog so establishing trust isvery important.
When a dog is being trained, a bond develops between handler anddog that reinforces the behavior that is to be expected from thedog.
Some professionals disagree on the issue of using a collarduring certain phases of the training.
Whether or not this istrue about the issue of using collars during training an agreedissue is that the handler must be able to see the potential that thedog has and what its strong traits are and work to develop them.
Using positive reinforcement will make sure that the dogunderstands what the handler wants.
Dog training is not difficult if you understand your dog.
Infact as you constantly and consistently vest time and energy intothe training of your canine it will pay off.
By constantlyrewarding him or her for behaving correctly it will encourage thedog to continue striving for excellence.
Conclusion Now that you have read this article please understand there are other aspects of dog training as well.
These include proper food, proper exercise and protecting your dog from danger while training them.
By providing a well-rounded training program for your dog you will have a police dog that will be highly motivated to doing the job they were trained for.
Partly because of the training and partly because they have a natural instinct to please their owners.
When you follow a well managed dog-training plan, you are nurturing your dog's natural abilities to become the best.
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