Instructions for How to Make a Delta Kite
- 1). Layout the 20-inch-by-30-inch sheet vertically on your work surface; measure 7 inches up from the bottom and, depending on the material you are using, either draw or fold a line horizontally across the paper, giving you a rectangle on the top of 20 inches by 23 inches.
- 2). Cut diagonally from the lower left corner to the upper right corner of the 23-inch-by-20-inch rectangle. The triangle you cut out will serve as one half of your sail.
- 3). The other half of the sail will also have the keel attached. Along the bottom of the 23-inch-by-20-inch rectangle, measure in 3 inches from the left side of the paper and mark (point A). On the bottom of the full-size sheet, measure in 8 inches and mark (point B). Draw a horizontal line from the edge to point A. Draw a line from point A to point B and another line from point B to the bottom right corner of the 23-inch-by-20-inch rectangle. The resulting outline will form the second half of the sail with the triangular keel attached at the bottom. Cut out along the resulting line. (See the first reference for a diagram of this shape.)
- 4). Take the wing with the keel attached and fold the keel over onto the wing, following the line formed by the bottom of the 23-inch-by-20-inch rectangle. Turn the wing over so that the keel is folded under the wing.
- 5). Attach the two halves of the delta together along the 20-inch-long side of the triangles, leaving the keel folded under one side. Overlap the two wings by 1/4-inch, gluing along the seam.
- 1). Glue each of the 21-inch dowels to the leading of the sail, with one end of the dowel flush with the trailing edge of the sail. These are the wing spars.
- 2). Glue one of the 20-inch dowels along the seam where you joined the two halves of the sail together. This is called the keel spar.
- 3). Reinforce the nose of the sail by folding tape over the edge that extends past the wing spars.
- 4). Turn the sail over. Reinforce the edge of the keel with tape. Make a hole at the point of the keel. This is where the flying line will attach.
- 5). Flip the sail back over to attach the spreader bar. Measure 16 inches up each wing spar from the trailing edge and mark. Attach the remaining 20-inch dowel to the two wing spars. This is the spreader spar. The spreader spar should intersect the keel spar at a right angle, but it should not be attached to the keel spar. Reinforce the spreader spar by taping it to the sail near where it connects to the wing spars. Attach flying line to the keel where you made the hole. Your delta kite is ready to fly.
Making the Sail
Attching the Spars