Penis Enlargement Device - Does it Work Really?

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Penis enlargement devices or penis extenders are the most popular and fast penis enhancement methods that are available in today's time.
These lightweight medical devices can be worn on the penis while it is in flaccid state.
It has adjustment screws with help of which it is possible to increase its length thereby increasing the stretch over the penis.
In order to achieve best results, the penis stretchers need to be worn for at least 5 to 8 hours each day and the tuning of the screws have to be adjusted according to the penis enhancement program.
A penis enlargement device works on the principle of traction.
It uses the ability of your body which has capability of changing naturally if physical stretch is applied over a desired period of time.
By applying traction or tension to the penis, the cells of the penile chamber starts to multiply resulting in an erectile tissue mass that begins to increase in size and breadth gradually.
Because of this, the penis becomes capable of sustaining more blood comparatively and desired results can be achieved.
The use of traction to enhance the parts of the body is the principle that has been in use by a number of cultures across the world from prehistoric times.
Some African and Burmese tribes have been using the same principle to increase the length of their necks and other body parts.
This same principle is aiding the modern penis enlargement device that gives successful results.
Most of the penis enhancement stretchers fall in the category of type I medical device.
Most of these products are clinically proven to be effective and safe for use.
Not only these devices help in increasing the length and girth of the penis, they also help in increasing sexual stamina, harder erections, control over premature ejaculations, correction of penile curvatures and overall better sexual performance.
Working Of Penis Enlargement Device Since it is a traction device, the stretching of the penis helps in opening up of the spaces between the penis cells which in turn stimulates growth and a healing response in the body.
As a result, the penile cells start to divide, filling up the newly open space.
As one uses the penis enlargement device on a continuous basis, the added growth serves in adding millions of new penis cells thereby forcing an increase of erectile tissue mass.
Safety Factor Most of the companies that manufacture penis enlargement device have their products clinically tested so that it adheres to safety.
It is important to follow the user manual properly, prior to using the device.
Results Penis size gains may differ individually.
While some people experience the results within couple of weeks, for others it may take a little time.
However, the results received are permanent as once the cells of penile chamber gets expanded, the effect and gains can not be reversed.
The results of penis extenders are effective and safe and cannot be matched with any other method.
Other methods such as surgery can be dangerous and expensive.
Pumps and weights can cause permanent damage to the tissues.
In contrast, penis enlargement devices have undergone medical testing and they are clinically proven.
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