If You Run Annoying Audio Ads On Your Website Will It Hurt Your Business?
As soon as Pay Per Play was announced people went into a frenzy over it.
Either people hated the idea or people loved it.
That seems to come down to the type of website that it would be applied to.
People with AdSense websites embraced the idea, as there main focus is on building content sites that rely on a constant flow of new visitors.
Most visitors leave these websites either by clicking on an ad or just closing the page, therefore it is a good idea to add audio advertising to these websites to ensure the website owner is paid regardless of what the visitor does.
Owners of authority websites have been harder to convince of the benefits.
They have a steady stream of repeat visitors and feel the risk may be too high in annoying the visitors that they recycle.
However some have chosen to trial the concept and then make their final decision based on the results.
The Pay Per Play program does allow you to choose which webpage within a website you apply the advertising too, so there is a lot of flexibility given to the website owner.
As we move into the month of launch it will be interesting to hear the feedback from the owners of these authority websites.
It has been claimed by the Pay Per Play company that testing has proved that keeping ads to 5 seconds has shown little annoyance in visitors.
So time will tell and there are many people waiting to hear what the final tested results are.