Do You Like Your Smile?
When we were born as babies we smiled frequently and naturally but as we age we smile less and less.
A smile is universal and it is contagious.
A smile is sometimes described as being the art of speaking without saying a word.
Now it takes about three times the number of muscles to smile than it is to frown, so why are the majority of people making their lives harder for themselves by using more energy frowning.
I know it may be because of life circumstances, the mood they are in etc.
or maybe they do not like what they see in the mirror when they do smile.
No matter what we do everyday we are all in the same business which is the people business and facial expressions are critical in how we communicate with each other.
Rightly or wrongly it is what we see first that we respond to first and it is what we base our first impressions on.
So if you have a warm smile you are likely to elicit warmth in others, i.
what you give out is what you will in turn receive.
So if you are uncomfortable with your smile it will affect your life.
A smile communicates happiness and this tends to attract people towards you whereas a frown tends to make others avoid you.
A smile can also make you younger as it is associated with youth.
Many people try to reverse the ageing process with facelifts and cosmetic surgery and sometimes less destructive ways to achieve this is by fixing your ageing teeth and enhancing and improving your smile which can often take years off your face.
Beauty they say is in the eye of the beholder and only the individual can determine for themselves whether there is a need for improvement or enhancement to make them feel more confident and comfortable with their smile in the first place.
To help create or enhance your smile a dentist must make sure the gums are healthy because gum disease (periodontal disease) can lead to all sorts of complications including the risk of strokes, heart disease and diabetes.
Our oral health affects our overall health because our mouths are full of bacteria which travel in the bloodstream throughout the rest of the body.
Gum disease has no symptoms initially other than bleeding gums so it is crucial that regular visits to your dentist will detect the early stages and prevent it getting to the state where there is irreversible destruction of the bone holding the teeth which if left too long will result in tooth loss and make the aging process even worse.
Once your gum health has been established and maintained the most frequent and popular minimal-invasive way to enhance your smile is with teeth whitening where peroxide gel is used to eliminate stains safely from within natural teeth so that they look whiter and brighter with no damage to them.
As teeth whitening does not change any existing filling or crown these may need to be changed to match the shade of the newly whitened natural teeth to provide you with your personal smile.
So contact your dentist today so he/she can enhance or create the smile you deserve so that you can live your life as best you can.