Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Into Success
New ideas, technologies and demands have changed how we do business.
In this world of constant change, one thing remains the same.
You must continuously change yourself and your business practices in order to grow.
It's no longer acceptable to just hang your sign and hope they come.
You have to stay one step ahead of your customers and your competition.
One of the biggest reasons businesses fail to grow is fear.
Fear of success and fear of failure.
Sounds crazy I know.
I was there.
I know that fear.
Rebranding and launching a new website has been an incredibly exciting experience.
But it also brought to surface my own fears.
What if no one likes it? What if it doesn't increase sales? What if...
It was definitely a challenge to push those fears aside and launch anyway.
But I did...
and guess what? Life didn't end.
The world didn't collapse and even better, the day I launched I booked appointments for two potential new clients! It reminded me that stepping out of my comfort zone is a good thing.
Sure taking the risk is always scary, but it feels so good in the long run.
So when you're feeling afraid of doing something new, ask yourself these questions: What are the positive reasons for me to do __________________? If I choose to stay in my comfort zone, what will I miss out on? Finding out what your reasons for staying in your comfort zone will have a huge impact on your ability to really stretch yourself and your business.
For me, it felt safer to stay hidden in the shadows than it is to be in the limelight.
But it sure is less rewarding.
To hit my business goals this year means really stretching myself and getting out of my comfort zone and back into the limelight.
Launching my website this week really felt good.
I remembered how I actually love doing new things and taking on new challenges.
Something you can count on seeing from me on a regular basis.
My advice to you...
if you're ready to grow your business, you must get out of your comfort zone.
Hire a coach or mentor.
Someone who's really going to push you.
I'd have never taken this leap if I didn't have my mentor behind me pushing me and cheering me on.
It made a huge difference.
Take the leap...
share in the comments below one small step you can take to step out of your comfort zone today.