How to Remove a Zero From a Decimal in PHP
- 1). Open your PHP source file in a text editor, such as Windows Notepad.
- 2). Declare a variable and assign it a decimal value. For example, "$number = 1.200;."
- 3). Check if the number is equal to zero first, so you don't remove the only zero and create an empty string. For example, "if ($number != 0)."
- 4). Remove trailing zeros by using the "rtrim(string,character)" function. For example, "if ($number != 0) { $number = rtrim($number,'0'); }" changes the number from "1.200" to "1.2."
- 5). Remove leading zeros by using the "ltrim(string,character)" function. For example, "$number = 0.35; if ($number != 0) { $number = ltrim($number,'0'); }" changes the number from "0.35" to ".35."
- 6). Remove both leading and trailing zeros by using the "trim(string,character)" function. For example, "$number = 0.7100; if ($number != 0) { $number = trim($number,'0'); }" changes the number from "0.7100" to ".71."
- 7). Save the PHP file.