Choosing a Screen Name
Most people try to hide their original identity on the internet for the sake of privacy.
Some come up with really fascinating names while others create simple yet creative screen names which depict their personality or their business.
In many cases such as writing as a freelance writer, it is always better to use your real name.
This will help the writer to gather all his work in future if he intends publishing at one place or wishes to be recognized.
In case of other businesses, selecting a crafty screen name can be sometimes beneficial.
For example, a programmer may keep his screen name as computer whiz.
This would give his reader an idea what the person might be.
Besides that, a software programmer who does need to be projected as a professional will have benefits from this.
If you have a personal blog or are writing on a variety of topics, then it is ideal to have a mix of a screen name.
Such as Sensible Sarah where you would like to render others some advise.
Sometimes fun screen names can also make you very popular.
This happen when you are leading followers on a fun site or just using the screen name for gaming purposes.
What should be avoided is use of numbers only or the use of symbols.
These do not tell the world who is actually there.
In fact people are not interested in finding out what a person who is represented by a few digits would like to say.
So choose wisely.
Some come up with really fascinating names while others create simple yet creative screen names which depict their personality or their business.
In many cases such as writing as a freelance writer, it is always better to use your real name.
This will help the writer to gather all his work in future if he intends publishing at one place or wishes to be recognized.
In case of other businesses, selecting a crafty screen name can be sometimes beneficial.
For example, a programmer may keep his screen name as computer whiz.
This would give his reader an idea what the person might be.
Besides that, a software programmer who does need to be projected as a professional will have benefits from this.
If you have a personal blog or are writing on a variety of topics, then it is ideal to have a mix of a screen name.
Such as Sensible Sarah where you would like to render others some advise.
Sometimes fun screen names can also make you very popular.
This happen when you are leading followers on a fun site or just using the screen name for gaming purposes.
What should be avoided is use of numbers only or the use of symbols.
These do not tell the world who is actually there.
In fact people are not interested in finding out what a person who is represented by a few digits would like to say.
So choose wisely.