5 Earliest Possible Signs of Pregnancy
Have you been trying to conceive since previous few months? Or are you thinking that a tiny little zygote is already growing within you? Whatever the case is it would be better to have enough information about the earliest possible signs of pregnancy.
These 5 earliest possible signs of pregnancy would help you to determine whether you are pregnant.
Early detection will help you to seek timely medical advice.
This is essential not only for you but also for the tiny life growing within you.
Here you'll find a list of some common and obvious earliest possible signs of pregnancy.
Sometimes these signs of pregnancy start to show itself as early as one week of fertilization.
Having a look at these is critical for all those who are planning or expecting pregnancy.
Missed period: Most vital and critical sign of pregnancy is missed periods.
Yes you are right; sometimes a woman misses her period because of hormonal fluctuations in the body.
This hormonal fluctuation may take place because of some kind of stress or some medicines or even because of drastic diet change.
If something else other than pregnancy is the case then you must expect to get your periods within 10 days of your expected due date.
However if it does not happen then it would be better to go for a pregnancy test.
Light spotting: The tiny zygote who is trying hard to get life within you can be very consistent as well as persistent in his efforts.
Though till so far he is microscopic but he has the complete grit for surviving and living within you for the next nine months.
It is ready to every thing to make its way towards your endometrial lining.
His battle to safely lodge himself on the endometrial wall may result in slight bleeding or spotting; as this is not the regular menstrual bleeding so the color would be different.
This generally takes place around the date of your expected period.
So it is not very difficult to confuse it with regular bleeding.
If your bleeding this month was weird, light and short then it is better to visit the doctor or go for a home pregnancy test.
Dizziness: It is not very unusual for a pregnant women to experience dizzy and fainting spells.
Do you know why this happens? The uterus of the pregnant women put an increased pressure on the entire body system.
This increased pressure leads to the compression of arteries specifically in legs.
The result is steep decline in blood pressure level; the result is fainting or dizziness.
This earliest possible pregnancy symptom is temporary but come in sudden spells.
Frequent urination: This is a trademark of pregnancy.
Uterus starts to expand soon after conception.
The uterus does so to make the room for the new small guest.
So if ever you are experiencing an unexplained urge to urinate frequently then it is the right time to think about pregnancy and go for a pregnancy test.
Heartburn: There are few women who experience sever heartburn early in pregnancy.
This might be the condition that you have never experienced before.
You must be wondering that how pregnancy and heartburn are linked to each other.
The pressure to the heart is put by the expanding uterus.
Furthermore the increasing level of hCG hormones within the body of the mother hinders the regular process of digestion.
This results in stomach acids.
These acids in accumulation results in heart burn and acidity.
These 5 earliest possible signs of pregnancy would help you to determine whether you are pregnant.
Early detection will help you to seek timely medical advice.
This is essential not only for you but also for the tiny life growing within you.
Here you'll find a list of some common and obvious earliest possible signs of pregnancy.
Sometimes these signs of pregnancy start to show itself as early as one week of fertilization.
Having a look at these is critical for all those who are planning or expecting pregnancy.
Missed period: Most vital and critical sign of pregnancy is missed periods.
Yes you are right; sometimes a woman misses her period because of hormonal fluctuations in the body.
This hormonal fluctuation may take place because of some kind of stress or some medicines or even because of drastic diet change.
If something else other than pregnancy is the case then you must expect to get your periods within 10 days of your expected due date.
However if it does not happen then it would be better to go for a pregnancy test.
Light spotting: The tiny zygote who is trying hard to get life within you can be very consistent as well as persistent in his efforts.
Though till so far he is microscopic but he has the complete grit for surviving and living within you for the next nine months.
It is ready to every thing to make its way towards your endometrial lining.
His battle to safely lodge himself on the endometrial wall may result in slight bleeding or spotting; as this is not the regular menstrual bleeding so the color would be different.
This generally takes place around the date of your expected period.
So it is not very difficult to confuse it with regular bleeding.
If your bleeding this month was weird, light and short then it is better to visit the doctor or go for a home pregnancy test.
Dizziness: It is not very unusual for a pregnant women to experience dizzy and fainting spells.
Do you know why this happens? The uterus of the pregnant women put an increased pressure on the entire body system.
This increased pressure leads to the compression of arteries specifically in legs.
The result is steep decline in blood pressure level; the result is fainting or dizziness.
This earliest possible pregnancy symptom is temporary but come in sudden spells.
Frequent urination: This is a trademark of pregnancy.
Uterus starts to expand soon after conception.
The uterus does so to make the room for the new small guest.
So if ever you are experiencing an unexplained urge to urinate frequently then it is the right time to think about pregnancy and go for a pregnancy test.
Heartburn: There are few women who experience sever heartburn early in pregnancy.
This might be the condition that you have never experienced before.
You must be wondering that how pregnancy and heartburn are linked to each other.
The pressure to the heart is put by the expanding uterus.
Furthermore the increasing level of hCG hormones within the body of the mother hinders the regular process of digestion.
This results in stomach acids.
These acids in accumulation results in heart burn and acidity.