Oral Conscious Sedation - When Fear and Anxiety Keep You From Dental Bliss
Not just any 'ole dentist can perform oral conscious sedation.
Dentists are required to get special training and take special courses.
The requirements for most states include a permit but few require the dental team itself to receive training.
The steps to oral conscious sedation are below.
However, oral conscious sedation is not just for anxious and fearful people it is also perfect for hardworking individuals who cannot take more than one day off work for multiple dental procedures.
Under sedation, the dentist will be able to keep your mouth open for an extensive period of time and since your pain tolerance is not an issue, the doctor will be able to complete multiple large procedures in one day.
Appointments can last anywhere from 3 hours to 8 hours.
The first step is to find a dental provider near you.
com can help you find a sedation provider in your zip code.
When you are ready, you will call the provider and their sedation team will help you set up your initial appointment.
At your first appointment you will receive a full set of x-rays and receive a full examination by the doctor.
The doctor will want to take many photographs which can be invasive.
But not to worry, these pictures will allow you to see exactly what the doctor is seeing so you are not in the dark about the condition of your oral health.
Your memory of your appointment will be faint, if one exists at all.
You will also need to coordinate a driver to drop you off and pick you up from your appointment.
They will not need to stay with you the entire time.
The sedation team will be able to contact them to let them know you are ready to be picked up.
Each person's medication will be specific to them.
However, twelve hours prior to your appointment you will take your first dose, and hour prior to your appointment you will take your second dose.
Your doctor will administer the third and final dose while you are seated in the dental chair.
The greatest thing about oral sedation is that the following day will be like any other.
You will be able to go to work, the gym, or take the kids to the park.
If you are fearful, anxious, or have time constraints you should definitely call to make your initial appointment.
It could be the best decision you ever make.