Addressing Anxiety And Worry In A Stress Management Plan
Situation that make us uncomfortable such as health issues, family relations, financial problems can all create a situation where the level of stress put on a person spirals out of control if not addressed.
Dealing with stress comes in many forms which may be either constructive or destructive in nature.
Running away from thegiven problem or issue is not the solution.
This would only lead to more complications and one may compromise ones mental and physical heath in one form or another.
We all have a unique built in coping mechanism to deal with levels of stress, we have each mastered different levels of this skills to do so when required.
Denial is then formed when one does want to accept a reality on is unwilling to deal with.
Persons who are in a disposition to be affected include those from homes where domestic violence is common place, where illness is present, or alcohol or drug misuse.
There is a sign of this coping mechanism where the individual proclaims acceptance and lack of ability to live other than in their current circumstance such as saying "Nothing is wrong" or that everything is OK or fine when evidently there are issues that should be addressed.
In the attempt to escape the stress event, there are excesses that may occur such as drug and alcohol consumption or physically running away from ones home.
Procrastination is a sign of worry, fear and build up of anxiety.
Without dealing with the issues at hand, there is a growing feeling that may ensue of fear and defeat when it comes to dealing with it.
Putting off the inevitable will contribute to stress and anxiety.
Facing things head on may be difficult, but the healthiest option to handle situations that may otherwise create growing shame, worry, fear or anxiety.
Getting solutions to your problems, instead of speculating.
Addressing issues may have, instead of denying them, or running away from them.
This is the only sure way to reduce stress caused by these types of situations that wefind our selves in this already tough and demanding life.
You do not need to bear all the troubles on your own.
Share your worries and seek out some one who will help you address them and get you back on your feet.
help is available in the form of a specialist or professional that youmay find in the area of both your circumstance as well as consultation therapy.
Deal with the issue and set if not get help to set up a way to ensure you get the most out of life to develop and manage future events through one form or another of expert advise that may be available in your work place, social groups, or through online help forums.