Do You Remember Big Brother Prediction?
I remember 5th grade as I was riding on the bus full of kids.
We were dismissed from school early and were being sent home.
The bus we were on did not take the normal rout and we proceeded to downtown Ravenna Ohio, the county seat of Portage County.
As we passed the County Court House there were soldiers everywhere...
with guns! It was not the usual day going home and I distinctively remember how quite the bus got from excitement of going home to a dead silence when the first gun was seen.
We went home.
Ravenna is right next door to Kent Ohio, home of Kent State University.
Kent State was a smaller school then than it is today and was where the Liquid Crystal Display was created if you did not know.
But that day has stuck with me all these years and every time I visit Ravenna and pass that court house I get the visual of that day.
It reminds me of how we have been placed where we are today.
Kent was not the only place of arms firing and killing Americans in those seasons.
Philadelphia and the Black Panthers, Mississippi and segregation issues and Watts in California.
I believe that there was even more killings that we do not know bout and I do believe there was a definite stance being taken saying Americans behave or die.
Since then we have all moved on with our lives and wanting nothing but happiness for everyone.
We have grown so much since then.
Not only in technology but socially.
We have been more accepting of one another and we respect one another more today than ever.
But do not forget that there is another side still and it still demands to divide us as Americans.
Do not think for one second that if you step out of line these days you will not be killed but there is a law that will be used to penetrate your livelihood and force you to obey...
forever! You will not lose your halo of guilt and will pay for it for the rest of your life.
And if it isn't the law a guide on your financial health will be attacked and given a number that will stop you in your tracks.
The credit score! I do not think it is right that an employer has access to this let alone an insurance company or anyone else as it is used to profile YOU! So is Big Brother here Today? Cameras watching, phones being monitored and every American profiled with a goal to get all the cookies the same.
I feel it, don't you? Are you monitored? Think about it? I can say that I know I am and have proof.
I am not monitored in every way but I am in some ways and it has a major impact on my life and livelihood.
I also think if this is happening to me then it is or could happening to you too.
I want to ask you what you think our poverty level is financially? I know most do not know because no one reads the tax code or instructions any more.
But last I looked it has gone from 12k in 1983 to 42.
5K in 2009.
Mathematics will tell you we are in trouble because the minimum wage has changed from a $1.
35 in 1973 to only $7.
40 in 2010.
makes you think, I hope.
My business survived on people having credit because my customers had to qualify with their credit score to get the product I sold, Dish Network.
Now they could have purchased the Dish but most choose they easy Free Plan that was more expensive and controlling by using their credit to get it for Free.
Oh by the way, being that I have a State Sales Tax License my state of Michigan knows exactly how much product I bought and sold on a month to month basis so they made sure they got their share of the dollar being spent.
They have it made because they, the state, also taxed that same dollar that was earned in trade before it was spent.
What a revolving door they have, it will never end and you have no choice about it, anymore, or do you? Please vote and speak out! The average wage has not changed or even been able to keep up with what the law demands.
Go work for cash any where and $10 bucks an hour is the going rate and has been that rate since 1983.
It has not gone up like everything else, or haven't you noticed? In the last 10 years I watched my business decline in sales due to people not being able to qualify because of their credit...
Declined! In 1998 10 out of 10 people who called me for a Dish Network qualified, today, if the phone rings..
one out of every ten qualify but most people do not call because they know they are not qualified and will not waste my time, they just don't anymore.
Big Brother is on us like never before and the State will allow an Entity to be more powerful than the living Human Being! Our Health Care System proves that money is more relevant than human life or body parts.
We are in trouble and people are going to be divided and it will not have anything to do with race or religion.
It will be with who is sovereign and who is not.
Those that will have and those that do not! Our world is changing and you will obey or pay the price one way or another...
so play the game or die American.
They are winning and we are going to let them as we are made to believe that that is what the majority want, I say...
! I and many Americans need each other and I do not want to see the day that I will not be able to help someone for the fear of breaking a law or getting sued.
The division has started if you have not noticed and is growing to control us more like cancer, if not aggressively removed and treated it will kill you and me.
Choice? Please Vote and Speak Out, do not be afraid to ask someone how they are doing and how they feel, make someone feel like they belong and for you may find you have just made a friend, possibly for life.