Egypt the gift of the Nile
The land of millenary civilization, cradle of man and his most profound spirituality
It's very name causes one heart to leap and evokes images of a fascinating and mysterious past in which it seems, as if by magic every man can see his own reflection. Not even the scholarly visitor can resist this enchantment and title he too is overwhelmed by the majesty of the temples, by the enigmatic and hypnotizing expressions on the thousands and thousands of faces painted or sculptured on the rock.
Aland of extreme contrasts, of gigantic works of both the past and present, Egypt represents the most outstanding example of Man striving to turn the forces and recourses of nature to his own advantage.
In no the places does water play so important and decisive role.
Not for nothing has been Egypt called a creature of the Nile, and today as much as ever, the life and destiny of the country depend on the great river.
The country is not only rich in monuments and relics of its ancient greatness, but also of human reality, of intellectual fervor and enthusiasm towards the future.
Egypt offer the visitor innumerable opportunities of learning and of enriching his own cultural and spiritual patrimony: the fine, well planned cities , the small and exotic villages of Nubia, the desert with its restless landscapes of savage beauty in contrast with green fields of the delta pulsating with life.
The folklore, the atmosphere of the bazaars and the crowded markets take you back to a way of life to which we no longer accustomed; one rediscovers man in his most genuine dimension and aspect.
Thanks to the tolerant and sociable nature of inhabitants, resulting from countries of the most diverse experiences and events, contrasting cultures, traditions and religious faiths all live together in peaceful harmony.
Thus next to the mosques and churches with their slender and elegant minarets, we find Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, white in the desert, far from the world, orthodox monasteries conduct their unchanging life of seclusion and asceticism.
Far from wishing to give an exhaustive picture, this simple volume is objective is to illustrate very briefly the external aspects of Egypt with pictures which will help you to remember your visit and consequently, very probably, want to know very much more about this extraordinary country.
It's very name causes one heart to leap and evokes images of a fascinating and mysterious past in which it seems, as if by magic every man can see his own reflection. Not even the scholarly visitor can resist this enchantment and title he too is overwhelmed by the majesty of the temples, by the enigmatic and hypnotizing expressions on the thousands and thousands of faces painted or sculptured on the rock.
Aland of extreme contrasts, of gigantic works of both the past and present, Egypt represents the most outstanding example of Man striving to turn the forces and recourses of nature to his own advantage.
In no the places does water play so important and decisive role.
Not for nothing has been Egypt called a creature of the Nile, and today as much as ever, the life and destiny of the country depend on the great river.
The country is not only rich in monuments and relics of its ancient greatness, but also of human reality, of intellectual fervor and enthusiasm towards the future.
Egypt offer the visitor innumerable opportunities of learning and of enriching his own cultural and spiritual patrimony: the fine, well planned cities , the small and exotic villages of Nubia, the desert with its restless landscapes of savage beauty in contrast with green fields of the delta pulsating with life.
The folklore, the atmosphere of the bazaars and the crowded markets take you back to a way of life to which we no longer accustomed; one rediscovers man in his most genuine dimension and aspect.
Thanks to the tolerant and sociable nature of inhabitants, resulting from countries of the most diverse experiences and events, contrasting cultures, traditions and religious faiths all live together in peaceful harmony.
Thus next to the mosques and churches with their slender and elegant minarets, we find Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, white in the desert, far from the world, orthodox monasteries conduct their unchanging life of seclusion and asceticism.
Far from wishing to give an exhaustive picture, this simple volume is objective is to illustrate very briefly the external aspects of Egypt with pictures which will help you to remember your visit and consequently, very probably, want to know very much more about this extraordinary country.