How to Create Your Own New Daily Routines
- 1). Before you do anything else, sit down and make a list of problems you would like to solve in your life. Ask yourself what is not working and what can be improved.
- 2). Now look at those problems and prioritize. Determine which of them are urgent, which are most important.
- 3). Pick the top three things you'd like to change and brainstorm solutions. Think about little changes you can make that are easy to start. For example, if your problem is that you are unhealthy, you might start by looking at small changes to your diet or exercise plan.
- 4). Pick a short term goal, such as exercising for 15 minutes a day or eating a fruit or vegetable at two meals a day.
- 5). Write down your new routine incorporating the change and place it somewhere you will see it every day, such as on the bathroom mirror.
- 1). For at least a week, make a point of referring to the written routine and following it exactly. If you forget, start the week over, but don't beat yourself up over your mistake.
- 2). Once a week has passed, the routine should be natural and you can add another change and start the process again.
- 3). Evaluate your routine at the end of each week and make changes as you see fit.
Making the Change