One Simple Step to Wasting all your Money with a Home Business and Having a Financial Disaster on Yo
Forget all the ways to succeed in your business, because I have a much better idea!
How about I detail one of the easiest ways to sabotage your home business and be sure to fail. That seems interesting now doesn't it.
The irony is, that if you do the exact opposite to what I am about to suggest, I can pretty much guarantee without question that you will have some success, if not a lot of success.
So how can you sabotage your home business in one easy step? I'll tell you now... it is quite simple.
Fail to do any marketing at all!
Or better yet - do a little bit, get frustrated because you don't see instantaneous results and then quit.
There you go! Get to it! Go watch reality television and expect your home business to pour money into your bank account.
If you're still reading... I'm thinking you have decided otherwise. Perhaps you already know how important Marketing is, or you have had a very sudden realisation of the fact!
Here are three simple pointers around Marketing.
Marketing should be fun, if it isn't, make it so.
A good marketing campaign is the backbone to your business. It cannot stop. It must always be running, and on auto-pilot. Of course you must always be tweaking it, but it must be fairly automated and leveraged as well.
Marketing simply means 'taking your product or service, and offering it to interested people'.
It amazes me how many people expect their businesses to run effortlessly without any marketing at all. If this is you, snap out of it right this instant!
I don't care if you have a home business, hair salon, mechanics shop or a donut stand. EVERYONE must do marketing of some form.
And because it is compulsory - make sure that your marketing is fun. You need to enjoy it and WANT to do it each day. Only you can find a way to get yourself excited about marketing. Make it fun, make it challenging for yourself. Do whatever it takes to make it effortless for yourself to do each day.
Consistency is key.
I was consulting with someone recently about marketing and what the 'best' technique was for marketing my online business.
She quickly pointed out that it wasn't so much the technique, but the consistency at which I practiced it. When I thought about this I realised it to be true.
It really doesn't matter what technique you employ - because even if it is the best technique out there, unless you do it consistently it has no real lasting effect!
Studies have shown that people need to see an advertisement at least seven times before they remember something. What if you do a lousy job of your advertising and only put it out there once or twice? It's like a single blip on the radar.. it probably won't even get noticed.
However if you get it out there over and over again - that blip will keep beeping on the screen and people will start to notice. If I can only impart one piece of wisdom in this article - let it be this: Keep your Marketing consistent, don't EVER turn off the tap... no matter what.
And that leads me to my final point.
Marketing doesn't have to cost money.
Many people often have the excuse that they can't afford to continue marketing. Well that excuse isn't valid. Why? Because marketing doesn't HAVE to cost you any money.
There are two primary resources you have at your disposal: Money and Time.
If you're on a budget - then you have to put in the extra hours to make up for the lack of money.
When you do have the budget - you employ marketing techniques that require less time.
So a lack of money is no excuse for stopping the marketing. If you're wondering what free techniques there are - I could name many. You could post on Craigslist, write an article just like this one, start a blog, send out a press release, participate in forums or even post some videos on YouTube.
How about I detail one of the easiest ways to sabotage your home business and be sure to fail. That seems interesting now doesn't it.
The irony is, that if you do the exact opposite to what I am about to suggest, I can pretty much guarantee without question that you will have some success, if not a lot of success.
So how can you sabotage your home business in one easy step? I'll tell you now... it is quite simple.
Fail to do any marketing at all!
Or better yet - do a little bit, get frustrated because you don't see instantaneous results and then quit.
There you go! Get to it! Go watch reality television and expect your home business to pour money into your bank account.
If you're still reading... I'm thinking you have decided otherwise. Perhaps you already know how important Marketing is, or you have had a very sudden realisation of the fact!
Here are three simple pointers around Marketing.
Marketing should be fun, if it isn't, make it so.
A good marketing campaign is the backbone to your business. It cannot stop. It must always be running, and on auto-pilot. Of course you must always be tweaking it, but it must be fairly automated and leveraged as well.
Marketing simply means 'taking your product or service, and offering it to interested people'.
It amazes me how many people expect their businesses to run effortlessly without any marketing at all. If this is you, snap out of it right this instant!
I don't care if you have a home business, hair salon, mechanics shop or a donut stand. EVERYONE must do marketing of some form.
And because it is compulsory - make sure that your marketing is fun. You need to enjoy it and WANT to do it each day. Only you can find a way to get yourself excited about marketing. Make it fun, make it challenging for yourself. Do whatever it takes to make it effortless for yourself to do each day.
Consistency is key.
I was consulting with someone recently about marketing and what the 'best' technique was for marketing my online business.
She quickly pointed out that it wasn't so much the technique, but the consistency at which I practiced it. When I thought about this I realised it to be true.
It really doesn't matter what technique you employ - because even if it is the best technique out there, unless you do it consistently it has no real lasting effect!
Studies have shown that people need to see an advertisement at least seven times before they remember something. What if you do a lousy job of your advertising and only put it out there once or twice? It's like a single blip on the radar.. it probably won't even get noticed.
However if you get it out there over and over again - that blip will keep beeping on the screen and people will start to notice. If I can only impart one piece of wisdom in this article - let it be this: Keep your Marketing consistent, don't EVER turn off the tap... no matter what.
And that leads me to my final point.
Marketing doesn't have to cost money.
Many people often have the excuse that they can't afford to continue marketing. Well that excuse isn't valid. Why? Because marketing doesn't HAVE to cost you any money.
There are two primary resources you have at your disposal: Money and Time.
If you're on a budget - then you have to put in the extra hours to make up for the lack of money.
When you do have the budget - you employ marketing techniques that require less time.
So a lack of money is no excuse for stopping the marketing. If you're wondering what free techniques there are - I could name many. You could post on Craigslist, write an article just like this one, start a blog, send out a press release, participate in forums or even post some videos on YouTube.