Section 1452 of the Safe Drinking Water Act
- The original Safe Water Drinking Act was passed in 1974 with the goal of regulating the nation's safe water supply. The Environmental Protection Agency sets the standards, and leaves individual states the responsibility of overseeing implementation, as well as verifying compliance.
- Each state operates a branch of the Public Water Supply Supervision program, which functions to regulate the water systems. The amendment, specifically Section 1452, allowed for the use of government-allocated, or federal funds, to be used in administration costs of this state-run program.
- The DWSRF, or Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, can also be used to help comply with the regulations put in place by the Safe Drinking Water Act. Section 1452 meant to allow states that may otherwise be unable to adhere to minimum health requirements and provide safe drinking water, to request federal assistance through loans or subsidies.