Chia Seeds Preparation
- Chia seeds are small, dark seeds that usually have a brown to black base coloration with light grey to white streaks. The seeds are usually less than 1 mm in size and contain a soluble fiber on the seed coat. This fibrous seed coat give chia seeds a gelatinous, sticky quality when they are soaked in water for an extended time.
- Chia plants grow best in moist, well-drained soils under full sunlight. Choose an area in your landscape where you can easily access the plants in order to harvest the seeds once the plants are established. Add organic compost to the planting site to improve drainage and provide additional nutrients to facilitate healthy chia plant growth.
- Chia seeds are simple to sprout in home gardens and require little preparation beyond choosing an appropriate planting location. Plant the seeds just under the soil surface and water thoroughly. The seeds will germinate in one to two days and require little additional care after planting.
- In addition to providing attractive greenery to your landscape, chia plants also produce edible seeds that make a tasty and healthy snack when properly prepared. Remove the stems of chia plants in the summer once seeds have set on the plant. You can shake the seeds off of the plant over a white sheet of paper and store them in an air-tight glass jar. The seeds are a tasty addition to salads, yogurt, smoothies or can be consumed alone.
Preparing Planting Site
Preparing the Seeds
Harvesting and Preparing