How Happiness is Over Rated - Miss Focused Motivation
Everyone wants to be happy, and things really haven't changed all that much in the last 250 years in that regard, after all our founding fathers reminded us that ever citizen has the "right to pursue happiness!" Sounds like a really noble thing to put in our founding documents doesn't it? Apparently, they felt it was important enough to put in there.
But have you ever asked yourself why? And now that I have posed this question to you, are you going to have to think about it and come back later? Okay, bookmark this article, and when you've thought about it come back and read something interesting here.
First, let be begin by saying that happiness is an elusive quality, and it is hard to describe.
Adversity is easy to describe and so is stress.
But the greatest periods of happiness for many is surviving severe hardship and coming through it and then relaxing knowing that everything will be alright or that you have won.
[cite: Vince Lombardi's famous speech about Being Number One].
Second, many people say that they want to have balance in their life and thus, achieve happiness, but there is a fatal flaw in that logic.
Namely, balance means having some of both sides, so if you want true happiness, then you'll need to experience the other side; pain, sorrow, hardship, stress, and adversity.
Otherwise you'd be lopsided not balanced.
See that point? If not think on it a bit.
Third, those who are trying to achieve perpetual happiness will never get there, and it is not a noble goal anyway.
You see, happiness is over rated, and it is the journey that is important, so, if your motivation is to achieve happiness, you are going to be disappointed in the end.
Rather enjoy your full range during your life experience and celebrate it as you go.
Please consider this.
But have you ever asked yourself why? And now that I have posed this question to you, are you going to have to think about it and come back later? Okay, bookmark this article, and when you've thought about it come back and read something interesting here.
First, let be begin by saying that happiness is an elusive quality, and it is hard to describe.
Adversity is easy to describe and so is stress.
But the greatest periods of happiness for many is surviving severe hardship and coming through it and then relaxing knowing that everything will be alright or that you have won.
[cite: Vince Lombardi's famous speech about Being Number One].
Second, many people say that they want to have balance in their life and thus, achieve happiness, but there is a fatal flaw in that logic.
Namely, balance means having some of both sides, so if you want true happiness, then you'll need to experience the other side; pain, sorrow, hardship, stress, and adversity.
Otherwise you'd be lopsided not balanced.
See that point? If not think on it a bit.
Third, those who are trying to achieve perpetual happiness will never get there, and it is not a noble goal anyway.
You see, happiness is over rated, and it is the journey that is important, so, if your motivation is to achieve happiness, you are going to be disappointed in the end.
Rather enjoy your full range during your life experience and celebrate it as you go.
Please consider this.