How To Appreciate Your Partner And Grow Your Relationship
If you're like most people, then you've probably struggled with "irreconcilable differences" in your relationship. You'd be amazed how many people are going through the same thing as you are and not only did they save their relationship, but they also grew it stronger.
So is the grass greener on the other side of the fence or have you just forgotten how to appreciate what you have?
The "Greener Grass" Syndrome
Most of us, at some point in our lives, have thought the grass was greener on the other side. This feeling of "not enough" comes from uncertainty and curiosity, which prevents us from seeing the blessings in our lives.
You may assume that someone else's relationship is perfect, but the grass is not always greener on their side. It just seems so because you're looking at it from a distance.
Here are three steps to help you appreciate what you have and make the grass greener on your side:
1. Stay In The Present.
A successful life means living on your own terms. Stop seeing your life in light of other people and give yourself the freedom to admit that your partner is the best choice for you right now. Live in the present and stop thinking that there may be other people out there that would be more suitable for you.
2. Stop Taking Life For Granted.
Freedom, health, love, relationships - are things we take for granted all the time and expect them to stick around forever. It takes a lot of emotional stability to be happy with what you have and stop peaking at the other side of the fence.
3. Nurture Your Relationship.
Most couples fall apart because the relationship has not been nurtured and nourished. Lasting, fulfilling relationships don't just happen overnight. They are like a beautiful garden that requires energy, time and love.
Here is a great exercise that will help you manifest appreciation and gratitude toward your spouse. Write your partner a letter and put down all the qualities you love and appreciate about them.
It will help you shift your attention from what you don't like to what you do like about them and will help you remember why you fell in love them in the first place.
Final thoughts€¦
Find out what your partner loves in you. Do they appreciate your personality, your looks or your inner strength? Once you know what they love in you, start focusing on that and give it more.
Remember, if you want something, give it first €" whether it's attention, a kiss, a compliment, a hug.
Start with yourself and magic will start to happen on your side of the fence. The next time you think someone has it better than you, just stop and think about how others may think you have it better than them. The grass on your side may just be greener.
What are some of your secrets for getting your grass greener? We'd love to hear your thoughts.
So is the grass greener on the other side of the fence or have you just forgotten how to appreciate what you have?
The "Greener Grass" Syndrome
Most of us, at some point in our lives, have thought the grass was greener on the other side. This feeling of "not enough" comes from uncertainty and curiosity, which prevents us from seeing the blessings in our lives.
You may assume that someone else's relationship is perfect, but the grass is not always greener on their side. It just seems so because you're looking at it from a distance.
Here are three steps to help you appreciate what you have and make the grass greener on your side:
1. Stay In The Present.
A successful life means living on your own terms. Stop seeing your life in light of other people and give yourself the freedom to admit that your partner is the best choice for you right now. Live in the present and stop thinking that there may be other people out there that would be more suitable for you.
2. Stop Taking Life For Granted.
Freedom, health, love, relationships - are things we take for granted all the time and expect them to stick around forever. It takes a lot of emotional stability to be happy with what you have and stop peaking at the other side of the fence.
3. Nurture Your Relationship.
Most couples fall apart because the relationship has not been nurtured and nourished. Lasting, fulfilling relationships don't just happen overnight. They are like a beautiful garden that requires energy, time and love.
Here is a great exercise that will help you manifest appreciation and gratitude toward your spouse. Write your partner a letter and put down all the qualities you love and appreciate about them.
It will help you shift your attention from what you don't like to what you do like about them and will help you remember why you fell in love them in the first place.
Final thoughts€¦
Find out what your partner loves in you. Do they appreciate your personality, your looks or your inner strength? Once you know what they love in you, start focusing on that and give it more.
Remember, if you want something, give it first €" whether it's attention, a kiss, a compliment, a hug.
Start with yourself and magic will start to happen on your side of the fence. The next time you think someone has it better than you, just stop and think about how others may think you have it better than them. The grass on your side may just be greener.
What are some of your secrets for getting your grass greener? We'd love to hear your thoughts.