Food - One of the Main Causes of Reflux
Reflux is a digestive system disease, so it only makes sense to assume that the problem is going to come from what you are putting into that system.
If you have an unhealthy diet that consists of many fatty foods then this is probably what is causing your heartburn.
When your body starts to digest food, it will push acid up into the esophagus, and this is what causes the burning sensation you feel.
Eating acidic foods or fatty foods causes the stomach to have to produce more acid to digest is, and this is where the problem lies.
Heartburn is your body's way of telling you that something is wrong.
If you get heartburn on a regular basis then you will need to change something in order to get rid of the symptoms.
Your diet is one of the main causes of reflux, so it is a good starting point.
Avoid fatty foods and instead eat fat free foods and lean meats.
This will help your acid reflux tremendously.
Heartburn No More, is a site that claims that the only way to cure reflux is to take on a holistic approach.
It is highly preferable to treat your body from the inside out so that you can attack the root of the problem.
Using antacid tablets only covers up the problem and does nothing to actually cure it.
It will just mask the symptoms instead of curing it.
Using antacids often has been said to be one of the causes of reflux getting worse.
Changing your diet will change your life for the better.
You will be heartburn free, healthier, and have more energy than ever before.