Narcissistic Abuse Recovery - Focusing on You and Not What the Narcissist Is Doing
In order to heal and break freefrom the symptomsofnarcissistic abuse - it is vital as soon as possible to get your focus off the narcissistic and shift it onto reclaiming and healing yourself.
Initially it is very important to realise what a narcissistic personality is, and how a narcissistic personalityoperates.This assists with knowing that you can now have a €name' and a €reason' for what you have experienced, and you can also understand that many people world-wide have suffered the identicalnarcissistic abuse dynamic that you have.
One ofthe greatest misconceptions about recovery from narcissistic abuse is that this is achieved by researching more and more about narcissists,and / or by focusing on talking about all the horrible things that the narcissist did to you.
I have found, as a narcissistic recovery expert, having facilitated my ownrecovery,as wellas helping thousands of other people - that this formula simply does not work. The path to getting well is conclusively to first realise you were abused by a narcissist, and then to focus on healing and creating your own integrity, boundaries, truth and life - so that you can break free from the horrible €muck € of relieving the trauma day and after day.
It is essential to create No Contact, or Modified Contact if needing to deal with a narcissistic individual in regard to settlement and custody details through third parties. To remain connected to a narcissist, including checking facebook and having contact with his or her family and friends is completely detrimental to recovery.
Once having secured No Contact or Modified Contact it is essential to shift your focus off the narcissistic personality - what he or she did to you, and what he or she is or isn't doing now - in order to identify, embrace and heal your unhealed parts (fears, insecurities and lack of healthy boundary function) that lead you into being in and sustaining a narcissistic relationship.
It is a terrible truth that many people who have been abused by an individual with narcissistic personality disorder, do not ever make this inner journey, and therefore remain €powerless', €abused' and €victimised' by their narcissistic experience. These people have a greatly diminished ability to trust themselves, trust life, or co-create healthy and fulfilling future relationships, or be able to expand into creating their own fulfilment in life.
This certainly does not need to be the case. As a result of being narcissistically abused, is the opportunity to embrace and face unhealed wounds and insecure aspects of self, in order heal our unfinished childhood and / or previous love relationship business, truly partner yourself, and emerge as a much more empowered individual, and be safer in life than we ever were, even before suffering narcissistic abuse.
Initially it is very important to realise what a narcissistic personality is, and how a narcissistic personalityoperates.This assists with knowing that you can now have a €name' and a €reason' for what you have experienced, and you can also understand that many people world-wide have suffered the identicalnarcissistic abuse dynamic that you have.
One ofthe greatest misconceptions about recovery from narcissistic abuse is that this is achieved by researching more and more about narcissists,and / or by focusing on talking about all the horrible things that the narcissist did to you.
I have found, as a narcissistic recovery expert, having facilitated my ownrecovery,as wellas helping thousands of other people - that this formula simply does not work. The path to getting well is conclusively to first realise you were abused by a narcissist, and then to focus on healing and creating your own integrity, boundaries, truth and life - so that you can break free from the horrible €muck € of relieving the trauma day and after day.
It is essential to create No Contact, or Modified Contact if needing to deal with a narcissistic individual in regard to settlement and custody details through third parties. To remain connected to a narcissist, including checking facebook and having contact with his or her family and friends is completely detrimental to recovery.
Once having secured No Contact or Modified Contact it is essential to shift your focus off the narcissistic personality - what he or she did to you, and what he or she is or isn't doing now - in order to identify, embrace and heal your unhealed parts (fears, insecurities and lack of healthy boundary function) that lead you into being in and sustaining a narcissistic relationship.
It is a terrible truth that many people who have been abused by an individual with narcissistic personality disorder, do not ever make this inner journey, and therefore remain €powerless', €abused' and €victimised' by their narcissistic experience. These people have a greatly diminished ability to trust themselves, trust life, or co-create healthy and fulfilling future relationships, or be able to expand into creating their own fulfilment in life.
This certainly does not need to be the case. As a result of being narcissistically abused, is the opportunity to embrace and face unhealed wounds and insecure aspects of self, in order heal our unfinished childhood and / or previous love relationship business, truly partner yourself, and emerge as a much more empowered individual, and be safer in life than we ever were, even before suffering narcissistic abuse.