How Does Online Prospecting Work?
The traditional method is now generally considered the old school way of prospecting that was used in the seventies and eighties. It is not only obsolete, it is also not effective. Lots of precious time is taken to prospect, yet the conversion rate is paltry. Worse, you have to learn to be 'thick skinned' and be prepared to face rejection time and time again.
Fortunately for us, we can now leverage on what is generally considered the new school way of prospecting through the use of online prospecting. The question is, how does online prospecting work?
In order to effectively use online prospecting, there are a few components that need to be put in place. Internet marketing comes into play to help prospect for your home business.
One way is to drive traffic to your website. To be more effective, you will need to focus on targeted traffic. It is no point spending time driving untargeted traffic because these visitors are not interested in your business opportunity. It is just a waste of time! If you want to succeed and see results, aim for targeted traffic.
Once these visitors arrive at your page, that is your site on the web, you will want to capture their information. Again, you do not want to be spending so much time and money on generating website traffic, driving them to your page, just to see them leave without getting their information. Thus it is very important that you have an effective lead capturing page which will qualify those visitors who are genuinely seeking a better life or better opportunity from those who are merely browsing through your page or simply passing by. Generally it is better to offer them something of value that they cannot resist.
Once you have captured their information and they are on your mailing list, you will need to start building a relationship with them. In order to do this, you will need to use an autoresponder. Regularly communicate with them through short notes or newsletters. You can get ideas for your newsletter from your business opportunity information pack. List some key benefits and features of your business opportunity and you can break them into various sections to share your business and opportunity with your prospects.
Only when you have built the rapport and trust with your prospect do you pitch your business opportunity offer to them, failing which, you would just lose them and wasted all your time and effort.
Some of the ways to effectively prospect online include using search engine optimisation, pay per click campaigns, traffic exchanges, article marketing, email marketing, banner advertisings and many others.