CakePHP - Highly Recommended Framework for PHP web application development
CakePHP is most popular, open-source framework for PHP web application development. CakePHP is rapid development framework for PHP that provides extensible architecture for developing, maintaining & deploying any web applications faster with lesser code. By using familiar design patterns like MVC & ORM, CakePHP reduces development cost & strengthen application with flexibility.
The most attractive feature that diverts us toward CakePHP is its simplicity that is reflected from its various features similar to "Ruby on Rails" including additional classes and objects that will help you to cut down development time without any compromise in quality of your web application. For e.g.:- Helpers, Components, and Behaviors, are some of the classes that provides reusability of similar code (that is common to some existing application) to quickly add functionality to base MVC classes in your application & make development faster.
For the need to develop robust & dynamic websites, CakePHP is highly recommended. CakePHP development poses many benefits that will allow you to get a result which satisfies all your online business needs. Some of the important features that are jewels of CakePHP are:-
Integrated MVC framework: CakePHP supports MVC architecture which helps the developer to follow a structured development methodology suitable for achieving "maintainability and scalability" for your web application.
Better & faster development: some of its following functionalities enhance quality & faster development without loosing flexibility & low cost factor:
1. The logical separation of layers greatly helps to locate and fix errors easily.
2. It helps professionals or developers to reduce code repentance in creation of website.
3. Use of inbuilt templates (PHP Syntax with helper methods & no re-writing )
4. Built in view helpers for AJAX, JavaScript, HTML Forms.
5. Powerful and flexible data validation features.
6. Core security and CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) features are integrated within CakePHP from the outset, allowing you to secure the user submission process in less time.
7. CakePHP is its Object Relational Mapping (ORM) framework, which allows you to streamline SQL queries by presenting tables as classes. As a means of truly moving PHP towards a full object-oriented language
8. In CakePHP you could attach multiple advanced validation rules to single field (for e.g. AJAX validations).
Open source: CakePHP is open source framework for PHP web development, as it is developed under MIT license, it is available for free. This thing contributes in minimizing the development cost.
Zero configurations: In CakePHP there isn't single part of code /configuration where you need to specify the location of the library or the URL of the site - everything is auto-detect and the only thing you need to care about is the Database connection settings.
Attractive opportunities:
1. There is easy access of services API's. You can expand your website with twitter, Yahoo! and Google.
2. CakePHP is an open source framework therefore it has large community working for its upgradation.
3. It can develop search engine friendly URLs.
So if you are planning to develop any dynamic wed application rapidly with low budget, here at sufalam, we have a team of highly skilled & experienced web developers that guarantees you world class web development programming services to fulfill your occupational need for web development. To have opportunity to hire one of the best CakePHP web developing company contact us on or visit us at
The most attractive feature that diverts us toward CakePHP is its simplicity that is reflected from its various features similar to "Ruby on Rails" including additional classes and objects that will help you to cut down development time without any compromise in quality of your web application. For e.g.:- Helpers, Components, and Behaviors, are some of the classes that provides reusability of similar code (that is common to some existing application) to quickly add functionality to base MVC classes in your application & make development faster.
For the need to develop robust & dynamic websites, CakePHP is highly recommended. CakePHP development poses many benefits that will allow you to get a result which satisfies all your online business needs. Some of the important features that are jewels of CakePHP are:-
Integrated MVC framework: CakePHP supports MVC architecture which helps the developer to follow a structured development methodology suitable for achieving "maintainability and scalability" for your web application.
Better & faster development: some of its following functionalities enhance quality & faster development without loosing flexibility & low cost factor:
1. The logical separation of layers greatly helps to locate and fix errors easily.
2. It helps professionals or developers to reduce code repentance in creation of website.
3. Use of inbuilt templates (PHP Syntax with helper methods & no re-writing )
4. Built in view helpers for AJAX, JavaScript, HTML Forms.
5. Powerful and flexible data validation features.
6. Core security and CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) features are integrated within CakePHP from the outset, allowing you to secure the user submission process in less time.
7. CakePHP is its Object Relational Mapping (ORM) framework, which allows you to streamline SQL queries by presenting tables as classes. As a means of truly moving PHP towards a full object-oriented language
8. In CakePHP you could attach multiple advanced validation rules to single field (for e.g. AJAX validations).
Open source: CakePHP is open source framework for PHP web development, as it is developed under MIT license, it is available for free. This thing contributes in minimizing the development cost.
Zero configurations: In CakePHP there isn't single part of code /configuration where you need to specify the location of the library or the URL of the site - everything is auto-detect and the only thing you need to care about is the Database connection settings.
Attractive opportunities:
1. There is easy access of services API's. You can expand your website with twitter, Yahoo! and Google.
2. CakePHP is an open source framework therefore it has large community working for its upgradation.
3. It can develop search engine friendly URLs.
So if you are planning to develop any dynamic wed application rapidly with low budget, here at sufalam, we have a team of highly skilled & experienced web developers that guarantees you world class web development programming services to fulfill your occupational need for web development. To have opportunity to hire one of the best CakePHP web developing company contact us on or visit us at