How to Find Not-for-Profit Jobs
- 1). Search nonprofit specific job search engines. Certain websites such as and list only nonprofit jobs. Several nonprofit specific job search engines are out there, so diversify your search. Sign up for at least three and visit them daily for new posts.
- 2). Specify your search. Use your usual job search techniques as well, but be sure to type in or select "nonprofit" when searching. Check your local newspapers and job leaflets for nonprofit listings as well.
- 3). Visit nonprofit organization websites. If you have an ideal nonprofit organization in mind, visit its website regularly. Some smaller nonprofits may not have employment tabs on their websites but may post their openings on their home pages, blogs or new media accounts.
- 4). Volunteer at the nonprofit before you seek a paid position. Stay involved even if there are no paid openings. Show commitment to the organization by doing some work for free and you'll help your chances when paid positions open up. Volunteering a few times a month at a nonprofit organization before you apply makes you easily recognizable and looks great on your resume. Search websites such as and the HandsOn Network to get ideas on where to start volunteering.
- 5). Consider relocation. Volunteer long-term with organizations such as AmeriCorps and City Year, which offer stipends that are enough to support a young, single person. You may have a better chance of finding placement if you are flexible with your location. Many of these positions can also lead to permanent, higher-paying posts after your initial year of service.
- 6). Try new things! Apply for a few jobs that are outside of your expertise and comfort zone. It may take a while to land the job at the art museum or city orchestra, so in the meantime don't turn your nose up at the local animal shelter. Nonprofit employers don't mind seeing a variety of nonprofit positions, just as long as they know you are committed to goodwill.
- 7). Be patient and keep applying. Nonprofit work is very rewarding, so it's no surprise that the jobs go fast. Just as with any job search, you may need to send in lots of applications until you get one interview. Don't let that discourage you.