Back Pain - The Best Muscles to Stretch
Previously I have written about how to stretch and the best times to stretch.
Next you need to know what to stretch? There are certain muscles that cause back pain.
Stretch these and back pain will ease, remember though stretching is only about a third of your back pain relief regime.
You still need to address the weak muscles, remove joint tightness in the spine and balance the pelvis.
Do this and back pain will not only ease, it will disappear forever.
Then preventing back pain is easy.
So which muscles should you stretch? The first thing is you need to stretch muscles that relate to each area you may have pain in.
Lower Back Pain The main muscles you need to stretch relate to the muscles that support the lower back.
Stretch these as these commonly hold tension from your day to day life.
The main muscle to stretch is your Erector spinae; this is the muscle that runs either side of your spine.
If tight it will commonly cause not only lower back pain, but pain throughout the spine.
The most important muscle to stretch though is your Hip Flexors (Psoas muscle).
The Hip Flexors keep the curve in your lower spine.
They attach to the front of your spine and to your hip.
If tight these will increase the curve in your spine placing extra stress on the lower joints.
They change your posture and will therefore affect other areas of your spine as well.
The other muscles that should be checked are your Gluteal's and Hamstrings.
Both of these affect the pelvis especially.
If the pelvis distorts then your lower back becomes out of balance and back pain occurs.
Sciatica Sciatica is basically lower back pain that has radiated to your legs.
The muscles involved are the same a slower back pain.
However the Piriformis muscle is the prime muscle to target as the sciatic nerve either runs through it or next to it.
If the Piriformis muscle tightens then sciatica will occur.
The other muscle that can be involved in both sciatica and lower back pain is your Tensor Fascia Lata (TFL).
This is a small muscle on the outside of your pelvis.
It initiates walking by allowing your leg to swing out before you propel it forward.
It is also a pelvis stabilizer.
Hence if tight it will restrict pelvic motion causing both lower back pain and sciatica.
Upper back pain and neck pain require you to stretch muscles in those areas as well as the lower back muscles.
Why? Think of your spine like a see-saw.
One side goes up and the other side down.
The spine works similarly, in that your lower back affects your upper back.
And vice versa.
However the lower back and pelvis are the foundations to the spine.
If these areas are not working well then upper back and neck pain will fail to resolve totally.
You need to address the lower back issues first and then target the upper back and neck.
The X-Pain Method guides you step-by-step through the process to remove all your back pain - stretches, reflexes for weak muscles, joint techniques and ways to rebalance your pelvis.
Complete and permanent back pain removal.
Next you need to know what to stretch? There are certain muscles that cause back pain.
Stretch these and back pain will ease, remember though stretching is only about a third of your back pain relief regime.
You still need to address the weak muscles, remove joint tightness in the spine and balance the pelvis.
Do this and back pain will not only ease, it will disappear forever.
Then preventing back pain is easy.
So which muscles should you stretch? The first thing is you need to stretch muscles that relate to each area you may have pain in.
Lower Back Pain The main muscles you need to stretch relate to the muscles that support the lower back.
Stretch these as these commonly hold tension from your day to day life.
The main muscle to stretch is your Erector spinae; this is the muscle that runs either side of your spine.
If tight it will commonly cause not only lower back pain, but pain throughout the spine.
The most important muscle to stretch though is your Hip Flexors (Psoas muscle).
The Hip Flexors keep the curve in your lower spine.
They attach to the front of your spine and to your hip.
If tight these will increase the curve in your spine placing extra stress on the lower joints.
They change your posture and will therefore affect other areas of your spine as well.
The other muscles that should be checked are your Gluteal's and Hamstrings.
Both of these affect the pelvis especially.
If the pelvis distorts then your lower back becomes out of balance and back pain occurs.
Sciatica Sciatica is basically lower back pain that has radiated to your legs.
The muscles involved are the same a slower back pain.
However the Piriformis muscle is the prime muscle to target as the sciatic nerve either runs through it or next to it.
If the Piriformis muscle tightens then sciatica will occur.
The other muscle that can be involved in both sciatica and lower back pain is your Tensor Fascia Lata (TFL).
This is a small muscle on the outside of your pelvis.
It initiates walking by allowing your leg to swing out before you propel it forward.
It is also a pelvis stabilizer.
Hence if tight it will restrict pelvic motion causing both lower back pain and sciatica.
Upper back pain and neck pain require you to stretch muscles in those areas as well as the lower back muscles.
Why? Think of your spine like a see-saw.
One side goes up and the other side down.
The spine works similarly, in that your lower back affects your upper back.
And vice versa.
However the lower back and pelvis are the foundations to the spine.
If these areas are not working well then upper back and neck pain will fail to resolve totally.
You need to address the lower back issues first and then target the upper back and neck.
The X-Pain Method guides you step-by-step through the process to remove all your back pain - stretches, reflexes for weak muscles, joint techniques and ways to rebalance your pelvis.
Complete and permanent back pain removal.