How Your Asthmatic Teen Can Survive College
Updated September 29, 2014.
Your house has a filtration system and hardwood floors but the dorm might be wall-to-wall carpeting with a possible mold problem. With your teenager, discuss these ways to prepare for going to college with severe asthma.
College is a time of independence. By preparing for this transition from home life to college life, you can help to ensure your teen’s continuing good health. By helping them to manage their severe asthma independently and discussing ways to avoid situations that will make the asthma worse, you are setting the stage for a happy and healthy transition to college life.
Asthma and the College Student. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology and Gonsior, Elaine C., MD. 05 August 2008.
School House, Keeping Healthy at School, College Survival Guide. Allergy and Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics. 05 August 2008.
Velsor-Friedrich, Barbara, Fran Vlasses, Jorie Moberley, and Lenore Coover. “Talking with Teens About Asthma Management.”The Journal of School Nursing2004 20:140. 05 August 2008.
College: A New Environment and New Challenges
Your house has a filtration system and hardwood floors but the dorm might be wall-to-wall carpeting with a possible mold problem. With your teenager, discuss these ways to prepare for going to college with severe asthma.
- Get an asthma “tune-up.” Pay a visit to the asthma specialist for updated allergy testing and a thorough evaluation of how well controlled your teen’s asthma is. Now is the time to make sure that the asthma is under control. A change to your teen’s asthma action plan or medication might be needed to ensure good control.
- Environment. Find out as much as possible about where your teen will be staying. Is there a nonsmoking policy in the dorm? If they are living off campus, talk to your teen about avoiding cigarette smoke, pet dander, etc. Educate your teenager about how to vacuum and dust, and consider investing in a HEPA filter. Use dust mite covers for mattresses and pillows.
- Stay healthy. A healthy body is better able to deal with severe asthma. Encourage your teen to get enough rest, get adequate nutrition and stay hydrated. If you can’t get your child a flu shot before sending them off to school, find out if the campus health care system offers them. Discuss the importance of hand washing and avoiding those with colds or flu: A respiratory infection can be devastating for someone with severe asthma.
- Stay connected to health care. If there is a campus medical center, contact them with the details about your teen’s condition. They might be able to provide additional ideas to help your teen manage the asthma. If college is far from your teen’s asthma specialist, consider finding a provider close to campus that will allow your teen to continue to be followed closely.
- Be prepared. Keep all asthma medications, peak flow meter, physician and pharmacy telephone numbers and a copy of the asthma action plan together. In an emergency, these essential tools will be easier to find. Additionally, make sure all medications have refills and are not expired. You want a fresh rescue inhaler if you need it!
College is a time of independence. By preparing for this transition from home life to college life, you can help to ensure your teen’s continuing good health. By helping them to manage their severe asthma independently and discussing ways to avoid situations that will make the asthma worse, you are setting the stage for a happy and healthy transition to college life.
Asthma and the College Student. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology and Gonsior, Elaine C., MD. 05 August 2008.
School House, Keeping Healthy at School, College Survival Guide. Allergy and Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics. 05 August 2008.
Velsor-Friedrich, Barbara, Fran Vlasses, Jorie Moberley, and Lenore Coover. “Talking with Teens About Asthma Management.”The Journal of School Nursing2004 20:140. 05 August 2008.