The Trend of Indoor Fountains

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Before the current trend of indoor fountains, many other types of water fountains existed for many different reasons.
For centuries people have marveled at the wonders of moving water.
Perhaps it's the soothing sound.
Or the wonderful patterns formed by diverted water flows.
Or maybe it's just the idea of taming something so critical to life.
Whatever the reason, fountains have played an important role in the lives of people all over the world for centuries.
The earliest documented fountains date back to 4000 B.
in Iran where ceramic remains suggest they were part of garden water designs.
Western fountain traditions are thought to have originated in Greece, with both archeological remains and carvings in vases serving as evidence.
These early fountains simply diverted natural springs.
It wasn't until centuries later that public fountains were constructed to serve as municipal water sources.
Many cultures utilized these functional fountains as decorative displays as well.
The Romans, for example, incorporated carvings and statues into the public fountains, and the private homes of many wealthy Pompeii residents had courtyard fountains.
  Renaissance fountains were marked by their elaborate architectural de­signs.
Circular and polygonal shapes were popular, as was sculptural detailing.
Ornamental fountains served as focal points for government buildings and royal palaces, creating dramatic water displays that re­quired substantial engineering skills.
  Although most fountains were purely decorative, folklore from around the world continued to hold that water could be blessed with the power to renew the spirit, preserve youth, and restore life.
Inhabitants of the Bahamas Islands told Spanish explorer, Juan Ponce De Leon about a fountain of youth whose waters had brought vitality to an elderly man.
In 1513, Ponce De Leon discovered a well-established Native American settlement in North America built around a spring many believed was this elusive "foun­tain of youth.
" The spring has been walled up to make a fountain, on display at The Fountain Youth National Archeological Park in St.
Augustine, Florida.
    Architectural fountains have enjoyed cycles of renewed interest over the last hundred years between 1910 and 1930; dozens of dazzling fountains were built throughout the United States part of the City Beautiful project.
  Today, Fountains are found everywhere, from focal points in cities and industrial landscaping.
 Home owners experiment with all types of water fountains from wall, ponds to patios.
 The newest trend is toward the indoor fountain.
    Indoor Fountains The rising popularity of indoor fountains is an unexplained phenomenon.
Perhaps indoor fountains are the natural link between outdoor and indoor spaces, and their popularity is tied to rising interests in gardening.
Or perhaps water is the newest material for sculptural artists and interior designers always in search of the newest trend.
Or perhaps tabletop fountains are just our way of celebrating our collec­tive past, of bringing a piece of the grand and the historical into our homes in a very downscaled, man­ageable way.
 Whatever the reason, tabletop and wall fountains are sure to be­come even more popular as home owners discover the joy of dressing up and living with their indoor fountains.
  Tabletop fountains are a great way to quell interior design boredom-simply purchase a tabletop style that you like and later, exchange out the bowls or change the rocks.
 You'll get a whole new look without the sore back that comes from moving furniture.
If you make a fountain and tire of looking at water flowing over mementos from your last beach trip, just unplug the fountain, replace the old items with new ones, and you'll have a new fountain up and running in less time than it takes to bake a pan of muffins.
Most of the indoor fountains that you purchase are also lightweight enough to move from room to room as your whim dictates.
Expecting company: Move your coffee table fountain to a dresser in your guest bedroom.
Want a special centerpiece? Move your small window fountain to your dining table: Tired of a table fountain: Purchase a tall plant-fern stand and lower the fountain into it.
  Just remember: anything that won't dissolve in water is fair game for adding to your indoor water fountain.
Finding materials to add to tabletop fountains is like going on the world's best scavenger hunt.
Keep your sense of adventure close at hand as you enjoy your indoor water fountain - it will serve you well.
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