Skin Care Information - Your Own Collagen is the Key
There is any amount of skin care information readily available in magazines, television, Internet, department stores and catalogs.
Trying to sought through this never ending pile of information can be quite daunting.
This article can help sort the truth from fiction to benefit your appearance greatly.
So, why should you believe me? The skin care info I have for you is scientifically proven showing that you do not need expensive cosmetic surgery or botox injections to have flawless radiant and beautiful skin.
Instead I am going to show you that it is all about assisting your skin to build it`s own collagen and elastin.
What is collagen and elastin?Collagen is fibrous tissue in your skin consisting of protein and the function is to keep your skin firm.
Elastin is also a protein to keep your skin firm and elastic and will return stretched skin back to normal.
Now, there are numerous companies out there that add collagen and elastin to their creams and lotions.
Do not be fooled by that one, as the molecules in collagen and elastin are too large to penetrate your skin layers.
No use to you at all.
Having that one out of the way we can now move on to the truth.
A company using scientific research and the latest technology has recently discovered a way to convert a natural form of keratin from especially selected sheep`s wool into functional keratin known as Cynergy TK so that it can be readily absorbed by your skin .
The functional keratin is extracted using a patented process so that none of the nutrients are lost.
I need to add here in my skin care information that most skin care companies use an unnatural form of keratin derived from acid rendered animal hooves, feathers and horns processed at high temperatures.
Would`t put that on my skin, would you? Functional keratin is much the same as our own skin protein so is very powerful when applied to your skin.
It actually stimulates your skin to produce it`s own collagen and elastin for a younger looking youthful glowing look.
As we begin to get older our body`s ability to produce collagen and elastin slows down, causing lines and wrinkles.
Knowing that there is an easy way to re start this function is extremely exciting.
Cynergy TK is described as a liquid skin that leaves your skin looking healthy and glowing.
As your wrinkles begin to reduce due to the regrowth of collagen and elastin your skin will be much smoother.
Studies have shown a 42% improvement in skin elasticity over 18 days.
There you have some skin care info which I hope you have found interesting.
You will not find these products advertised in magazines etc as the company does not advertise.
Instead of spending money on expensive advertising the company spends on ongoing research.
They also keep these products at an affordable cost to the consumer while using only the best quality ingredients for the best possible outcome.
This concludes my skin care information but I have a lot more.
Please click on the link to learn more.
you have nothing to lose, just a few wrinkles.
Trying to sought through this never ending pile of information can be quite daunting.
This article can help sort the truth from fiction to benefit your appearance greatly.
So, why should you believe me? The skin care info I have for you is scientifically proven showing that you do not need expensive cosmetic surgery or botox injections to have flawless radiant and beautiful skin.
Instead I am going to show you that it is all about assisting your skin to build it`s own collagen and elastin.
What is collagen and elastin?Collagen is fibrous tissue in your skin consisting of protein and the function is to keep your skin firm.
Elastin is also a protein to keep your skin firm and elastic and will return stretched skin back to normal.
Now, there are numerous companies out there that add collagen and elastin to their creams and lotions.
Do not be fooled by that one, as the molecules in collagen and elastin are too large to penetrate your skin layers.
No use to you at all.
Having that one out of the way we can now move on to the truth.
A company using scientific research and the latest technology has recently discovered a way to convert a natural form of keratin from especially selected sheep`s wool into functional keratin known as Cynergy TK so that it can be readily absorbed by your skin .
The functional keratin is extracted using a patented process so that none of the nutrients are lost.
I need to add here in my skin care information that most skin care companies use an unnatural form of keratin derived from acid rendered animal hooves, feathers and horns processed at high temperatures.
Would`t put that on my skin, would you? Functional keratin is much the same as our own skin protein so is very powerful when applied to your skin.
It actually stimulates your skin to produce it`s own collagen and elastin for a younger looking youthful glowing look.
As we begin to get older our body`s ability to produce collagen and elastin slows down, causing lines and wrinkles.
Knowing that there is an easy way to re start this function is extremely exciting.
Cynergy TK is described as a liquid skin that leaves your skin looking healthy and glowing.
As your wrinkles begin to reduce due to the regrowth of collagen and elastin your skin will be much smoother.
Studies have shown a 42% improvement in skin elasticity over 18 days.
There you have some skin care info which I hope you have found interesting.
You will not find these products advertised in magazines etc as the company does not advertise.
Instead of spending money on expensive advertising the company spends on ongoing research.
They also keep these products at an affordable cost to the consumer while using only the best quality ingredients for the best possible outcome.
This concludes my skin care information but I have a lot more.
Please click on the link to learn more.
you have nothing to lose, just a few wrinkles.