Effects Of Secondhand Smoke On Children - The Injury Inflicted On Little Lungs

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Everyone understands that smoking is bad, primarily for youngsters. But what are the actual effects of secondhand smoke on children, particularly the infant and secondhand smoke? Lets take a look at the health effects on a child who is exposed to secondhand smoke.

Secondhand smoke is the name of the smoke that is emitted by a lit cigarette mixed with the smoke that is exhaled by a smoker engaged in the act of smoking. This method of involuntary exposure affects everyone who is in near a smoker, and thus of course children. The effect can be seen during pregnancy, even before a child is born. Tests show that prenatal exposure to nicotine, as it is contained in cigarette smoke, will result in low birth weight in a baby. And, it may contribute to prenatal death and resulting miscarriage. After the child has been born, secondhand smoke has been tied to the much-feared sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) which causes healthy infants less than one year of age to die without a known cause. Children who survive their infancy and later on develop asthma will find their attacks to be more severe than those of their counterparts who live in smoke free environments. Because of the toxins that are exhaled as well as put forth from a lit cigarette, children who are exposed to secondhand smoke regularly develop respiratory tract infections such as chronic bronchitis, postnasal drip, and frequent colds. Of course, there are also other health risks, such as an increased risk of ear infections and sore throats, and these are only a few of the effects of secondhand smoke on children.

Nonetheless, the most aggregious damage done by tobacco smoke to children is the harm inflicted on their lungs. An infant and secondhand smoke are a deadly combination. Infants who were exposed to nicotine before birth, quite often have limited lung functions, which is the reason they are more susceptible to succumbing to SIDS when still young. One of the reasons why infants are so harmfully affected by secondhand smoke is the fact that their breathing rate is faster than an adults breathing rate, and therefore, by weight, they are ingesting a larger dose of secondhand smoke and all its toxins than an adult would. Add to this point the developmental immaturity of a childs lungs and it is clear that so many hospitalizations can be directly linked to a parents smoking around the children.

Another issue to ponder is the quantitative exposure of children to cigarette smoke. Usually smokers have other smokers within their direct circle of friends and acquaintances and choose not to limit smoking to the garage or any other location separate from the children. Therefore, a child is generally not only exposed to a parents or caregivers secondhand smoke, but also to that of their friends, family, and other adults. Sadly, children who are exposed consistently to secondhand smoke will be at a high risk of developing lung cancer, just like their smoking parents and caregivers. It may be that the worst thing about smoking related hospitalizations in children who were exposed to secondhand smoke is the fact that this could have been summarily avoided, specifically the cases that involve an infant and secondhand smoke. Do not wait until it is too late and the effects of secondhand smoke on children are beyond repair. Make sure your kids stay in environments that are smoke-free. Put the respiratory health of your kids in front of the risks involved with smoke exposure. Control your childs opportunities for secondhand smoke exposure, and quit smoking before it is too late!
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