General Aspects Regarding Video Production
The most important elements on which to concentrate include conveying emotions through small gestures, such as a sudden, darting eye movement, or a raised eyebrow.
In a large theatre such gestures could go unnoticed, but provided the digital camera operator is instructed to home in on them your home video audience will appreciate their significance.
'It will be all right on the night' could just as well be the optimistic battle cry of the video director about to-shoot the real performance.
You have thought of everything during rehearsals, so it should now, hopefully, be just a matter of letting the cameras 'roll'.
However, it is wiser to take a pessimistic view and plan for the worst.
Before filming go through every conceivable check.
Ensure that the equipment that you are using is in perfect working order and that the electrical connections are sound.
Give the cables a good, though not too enthusiastic, tug to ensure that they are firm in their housings.
If you are using batteries to power the digital cameras, make sure that they are fully charged and that you have spares ready to hand.
Double-check the digital camera positions and the tripod mountings.
And in the end, before the whole production really begins, carry out a 15 minutes test recording, reviewing it on a monitor to check that the digital camera is actually working properly.
(Do not use this test tape for the actual recording, since although you can record over the test, quality might be impaired.
In a large theatre such gestures could go unnoticed, but provided the digital camera operator is instructed to home in on them your home video audience will appreciate their significance.
'It will be all right on the night' could just as well be the optimistic battle cry of the video director about to-shoot the real performance.
You have thought of everything during rehearsals, so it should now, hopefully, be just a matter of letting the cameras 'roll'.
However, it is wiser to take a pessimistic view and plan for the worst.
Before filming go through every conceivable check.
Ensure that the equipment that you are using is in perfect working order and that the electrical connections are sound.
Give the cables a good, though not too enthusiastic, tug to ensure that they are firm in their housings.
If you are using batteries to power the digital cameras, make sure that they are fully charged and that you have spares ready to hand.
Double-check the digital camera positions and the tripod mountings.
And in the end, before the whole production really begins, carry out a 15 minutes test recording, reviewing it on a monitor to check that the digital camera is actually working properly.
(Do not use this test tape for the actual recording, since although you can record over the test, quality might be impaired.