Power of Words in Political Business: Business Strategy for Success
My Dear Young Generation Friends, Generally, I do not want to address my audience with the words 'Ladies and Gentlemen'.
We think, in general, these are the words of address generally practiced all over the world.
However, you know, we are different in India.
Have you seen any leader addressing with these words in public gatherings or in mass media.
CLOSED DOOR MEETINGS: Mostly the words 'Ladies and Gentlemen' are used in closed door meetings, where people are assembled in side a meeting hall.
They are made to sit and hear the speech of the chief official, say the Managing Director.
The audience can not leave the air conditioned meeting hall till the meeting is declared over.
The audience is at the mercy of the meeting organizers.
They are expected to stay compulsorily and take notice of the deliberations of the meeting.
The audience will immediately go after the meeting to attend their own business or to get relaxed immediately.
PUBLIC MEETINGS: In the public meetings, the gathering is huge.
There are gates kept open and the people are at the liberty to move out if they desire so.
But, the people are attracted by the leader and his higher level followers.
The mass gathering will voluntarily prepare to stay till the end of the meeting.
Sometimes, they wish to stay and follow the leader as far as possible.
Emotional feelings and devotion to the nation, organization or the leader will make them to enjoy the whole event.
We may see that that the people desire to occupy a closest place to hear and enjoy the contents of the speech.
The leader wishes to address the public or the followers with the words that make them emotionally feel better.
They should make them feel as if they have close relationship, friendship showing greater affinity mutually.
EMOTIONAL WORDS: Thus, the words addressed in public meetings are emotionally attractive and make people come closer, cheer up and retain the rapport for a long time.
In place of "ladies and gentleman", the leaders in India prefer still more attractive and emotionally active words.
IRRESISTABLE LOVE: We know the value of the words, "Brothers and Sisters" spelt out by Swamy Vivekanandha in the conference at Chicago, U.
The speech of the Indian Saint brought great laurels to India.
This speech did not show any starvation for love or friendliness.
The audience at the meeting was thrilled to experience the irresistible love showered by the saint.
LOVE AND FRIENDLINESS: Political or philosophical leaders always want to keep their followers bound by true and natural love expressively and make them talk about the fellow feelings with devotion.
You may know more about the independent leaders of various states and countries adopting a choice of words in diverse languages.
These are just practiced by leaders to call their own people with all the affection to catch their attention and make them listen to what they wish to say.
Besides, the leaders of the political parties or the rulers coin a set of words, a phrase or a slogan as it is called, that expresses patriotism, solidarity and uses them in gatherings to accelerate any political or national movement in India.
WORDS THAT BROUGHT INDEPENDENCE: "Vandhe Madharam" and "Jai Hind" are the two sets of slogans that brought millions of youth into the national freedom movement in India.
Needless to say that they played very crucial role in organizing each and every small, big or large public meetings.
They kindled fire in each participating youth and triggered the patriotic insurgency required for the revolutionary movement.
"Salute to Mother Land" and "Success to India" are the meaning of these emotional words.
This was the core vocal chord or national mantra raising the voice of India, expressing unity to fight for the freedom.
India, for a period of years, was quenching the thirst of independence on these words only.
Believe it or not, India might not have moved so fast-so forward with out these words.
We have understood now that words are meaningful, emotional and attractive! They are powerful crowd pullers and have unifying force built within to act forcefully to bring the desired result most successfully! This is all about dissemination of information that brings people's energy into a common fold to fight them selves to gain victory! THIS IS HAPPENING IN ALL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES TOO! LET US SEE IT IN THE NEXT!
We think, in general, these are the words of address generally practiced all over the world.
However, you know, we are different in India.
Have you seen any leader addressing with these words in public gatherings or in mass media.
CLOSED DOOR MEETINGS: Mostly the words 'Ladies and Gentlemen' are used in closed door meetings, where people are assembled in side a meeting hall.
They are made to sit and hear the speech of the chief official, say the Managing Director.
The audience can not leave the air conditioned meeting hall till the meeting is declared over.
The audience is at the mercy of the meeting organizers.
They are expected to stay compulsorily and take notice of the deliberations of the meeting.
The audience will immediately go after the meeting to attend their own business or to get relaxed immediately.
PUBLIC MEETINGS: In the public meetings, the gathering is huge.
There are gates kept open and the people are at the liberty to move out if they desire so.
But, the people are attracted by the leader and his higher level followers.
The mass gathering will voluntarily prepare to stay till the end of the meeting.
Sometimes, they wish to stay and follow the leader as far as possible.
Emotional feelings and devotion to the nation, organization or the leader will make them to enjoy the whole event.
We may see that that the people desire to occupy a closest place to hear and enjoy the contents of the speech.
The leader wishes to address the public or the followers with the words that make them emotionally feel better.
They should make them feel as if they have close relationship, friendship showing greater affinity mutually.
EMOTIONAL WORDS: Thus, the words addressed in public meetings are emotionally attractive and make people come closer, cheer up and retain the rapport for a long time.
In place of "ladies and gentleman", the leaders in India prefer still more attractive and emotionally active words.
IRRESISTABLE LOVE: We know the value of the words, "Brothers and Sisters" spelt out by Swamy Vivekanandha in the conference at Chicago, U.
The speech of the Indian Saint brought great laurels to India.
This speech did not show any starvation for love or friendliness.
The audience at the meeting was thrilled to experience the irresistible love showered by the saint.
LOVE AND FRIENDLINESS: Political or philosophical leaders always want to keep their followers bound by true and natural love expressively and make them talk about the fellow feelings with devotion.
You may know more about the independent leaders of various states and countries adopting a choice of words in diverse languages.
These are just practiced by leaders to call their own people with all the affection to catch their attention and make them listen to what they wish to say.
Besides, the leaders of the political parties or the rulers coin a set of words, a phrase or a slogan as it is called, that expresses patriotism, solidarity and uses them in gatherings to accelerate any political or national movement in India.
WORDS THAT BROUGHT INDEPENDENCE: "Vandhe Madharam" and "Jai Hind" are the two sets of slogans that brought millions of youth into the national freedom movement in India.
Needless to say that they played very crucial role in organizing each and every small, big or large public meetings.
They kindled fire in each participating youth and triggered the patriotic insurgency required for the revolutionary movement.
"Salute to Mother Land" and "Success to India" are the meaning of these emotional words.
This was the core vocal chord or national mantra raising the voice of India, expressing unity to fight for the freedom.
India, for a period of years, was quenching the thirst of independence on these words only.
Believe it or not, India might not have moved so fast-so forward with out these words.
We have understood now that words are meaningful, emotional and attractive! They are powerful crowd pullers and have unifying force built within to act forcefully to bring the desired result most successfully! This is all about dissemination of information that brings people's energy into a common fold to fight them selves to gain victory! THIS IS HAPPENING IN ALL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES TOO! LET US SEE IT IN THE NEXT!