The Symptoms of Candida
The symptoms of candida can be very misleading and hard to spot because they are often not what people would expect.
Most of us think of a candida or yeast infection and immediately think of the symptoms associated with vaginal yeast infections in women, but that is just one way out of hundreds that a candida overgrowth can manifest itself.
The symptoms of candida can actually affect any part of your body or health and can do so to anyone of any age or gender.
The Unlikely Symptoms It's important to understand that a yeast infection always begins in the digestive tract where we all have a certain amount of the fungus, candida albicans.
Any upset in our systems can cause that fungus to begin to grow out of control and lead to the symptoms of candida.
But, these symptoms are not what you'd expect.
The symptoms of candida are different from person to person and can include one or more of the following:
And while a vaginal infection with discharge and itching is common, an untreated yeast infection can lead to feeling very ill and run down and really wreak havoc on your life.
How to Diagnose Candida While the signs of a vaginal yeast infection or thrush can be easy to detect for a diagnosis, these other symptoms of candida are a little more complicated.
As they can mimic those of other serious conditions, a doctor should be seen to rule out something life threatening that requires immediate care.
If you have been feeling run down along with other symptoms that have not been directly linked to any other cause, then there is a very good possibility that what you are dealing with is an overgrowth of candida in your system and the proper steps should be taken to stop the infection and get your body back on track.
What to Do Cutting out all foods that contain yeast is the first step in feeling better.
This means eliminating foods like breads, cakes, and pastries.
Sugar is known to feel yeast and help it to grow, so you need to remove all sugar from your diet as soon as possible.
And, to increase the good bacteria that are needed to keep yeast levels balanced in your digestive tract; consuming probiotic yogurt containing acidophilus as well as garlic, which is a natural antifungal, is a must.
Making these changes will show you an improvement in the symptoms of candida almost immediately and will also help to prevent future issues with yeast.
And no, you won't need to eat this way forever.
It is however recommended that you do this for at least a couple of weeks after your symptoms have disappeared.
Most of us think of a candida or yeast infection and immediately think of the symptoms associated with vaginal yeast infections in women, but that is just one way out of hundreds that a candida overgrowth can manifest itself.
The symptoms of candida can actually affect any part of your body or health and can do so to anyone of any age or gender.
The Unlikely Symptoms It's important to understand that a yeast infection always begins in the digestive tract where we all have a certain amount of the fungus, candida albicans.
Any upset in our systems can cause that fungus to begin to grow out of control and lead to the symptoms of candida.
But, these symptoms are not what you'd expect.
The symptoms of candida are different from person to person and can include one or more of the following:
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Migraines and headaches
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Body aches and joint pain
- Rashes
- White patches on skin or in the mouth, tongue or throat
- Painful urination
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- White creamy discharge from the vagina, usually with a yeast-like smell
And while a vaginal infection with discharge and itching is common, an untreated yeast infection can lead to feeling very ill and run down and really wreak havoc on your life.
How to Diagnose Candida While the signs of a vaginal yeast infection or thrush can be easy to detect for a diagnosis, these other symptoms of candida are a little more complicated.
As they can mimic those of other serious conditions, a doctor should be seen to rule out something life threatening that requires immediate care.
If you have been feeling run down along with other symptoms that have not been directly linked to any other cause, then there is a very good possibility that what you are dealing with is an overgrowth of candida in your system and the proper steps should be taken to stop the infection and get your body back on track.
What to Do Cutting out all foods that contain yeast is the first step in feeling better.
This means eliminating foods like breads, cakes, and pastries.
Sugar is known to feel yeast and help it to grow, so you need to remove all sugar from your diet as soon as possible.
And, to increase the good bacteria that are needed to keep yeast levels balanced in your digestive tract; consuming probiotic yogurt containing acidophilus as well as garlic, which is a natural antifungal, is a must.
Making these changes will show you an improvement in the symptoms of candida almost immediately and will also help to prevent future issues with yeast.
And no, you won't need to eat this way forever.
It is however recommended that you do this for at least a couple of weeks after your symptoms have disappeared.