Things To Know Before You Use Laser Acne Treatment
The color of your skin is a key factor in determining the use of laser treatment. Dark skin tends to be dry and might need moisturizing. Laser acne treatment involves the danger of excessive darkening which is difficult to reverse. Excessive laser heat used for dark complexion can damage your skin. By creating an injury to the gland that causes acne, the treatment is able to keep the reappearance of acne at bay for a longer time period. In case the problem resurfaces, you may have to go for further sittings.
Cost and insurance
A session of laser acne treatment is expensive at $500 for a 15-minute session. Depending on the severity of the acne, your doctor might prescribe multiple sessions. Besides, your mobility will be hampered for a few days after the treatment. Medications may have to be continued for a few days after treatment. Calculate your obvious and hidden costs like loss of pay for the period that you are to avoid moving out. Your insurance company will not cover the treatment as a medical necessity. The costs are high but if the problem is affecting your self-esteem and your social interactions, you may feel it is worth the cost.
Expectations of the treatment
Laser acne treatment involves burning the affected tissue without affecting the surrounding area. Though effective, a patient cannot expect to come out from treatment looking perfect. There will be raw looking, bruised skin with crust-like formations on the skin. The skin may temporarily have an increased redness and some hyper-pigmentation that takes about 2 years to settle. Besides, this treatment does not promise perfect unblemished skin but aims to control the problem. There are limitations to the treatment that you must know before opting for the procedure. Severe acne is successfully treated and the skin does rejuvenate with a superior luster than before treatment. However, it takes time to see these results.
Communicate with your doctor
Select a qualified doctor who is skilled at performing surgery and is aware of the use of laser equipment and heat application. Inform your doctor about any medicines that you are allergic to. If you are having medication for any existing health issues, the doctor must know so that unwanted reactions during and after the treatment are avoided. Ask your doctor about the treatment and all that will be done. The doctor may use a topical anesthetic to prevent a stinging or burning that occurs with laser acne treatment. Understand the precautions you will have to take after the treatment and work out the viability of taking them.
Post treatment care
Your skin should not be exposed to direct sunlight for a few days after the treatment. If you are working, you will have to find a way to make this possible. Make your house suitable and ensure availability of basic items before you enter treatment. Further, you must be aware of whether pain or burning sensation after the treatment is completed is to be expected and what steps you should take in case there is a problem. Laser acne treatment demands precautions after the skin has been treated so that you can avoid any unwanted effects on your skin.
Cost and insurance
A session of laser acne treatment is expensive at $500 for a 15-minute session. Depending on the severity of the acne, your doctor might prescribe multiple sessions. Besides, your mobility will be hampered for a few days after the treatment. Medications may have to be continued for a few days after treatment. Calculate your obvious and hidden costs like loss of pay for the period that you are to avoid moving out. Your insurance company will not cover the treatment as a medical necessity. The costs are high but if the problem is affecting your self-esteem and your social interactions, you may feel it is worth the cost.
Expectations of the treatment
Laser acne treatment involves burning the affected tissue without affecting the surrounding area. Though effective, a patient cannot expect to come out from treatment looking perfect. There will be raw looking, bruised skin with crust-like formations on the skin. The skin may temporarily have an increased redness and some hyper-pigmentation that takes about 2 years to settle. Besides, this treatment does not promise perfect unblemished skin but aims to control the problem. There are limitations to the treatment that you must know before opting for the procedure. Severe acne is successfully treated and the skin does rejuvenate with a superior luster than before treatment. However, it takes time to see these results.
Communicate with your doctor
Select a qualified doctor who is skilled at performing surgery and is aware of the use of laser equipment and heat application. Inform your doctor about any medicines that you are allergic to. If you are having medication for any existing health issues, the doctor must know so that unwanted reactions during and after the treatment are avoided. Ask your doctor about the treatment and all that will be done. The doctor may use a topical anesthetic to prevent a stinging or burning that occurs with laser acne treatment. Understand the precautions you will have to take after the treatment and work out the viability of taking them.
Post treatment care
Your skin should not be exposed to direct sunlight for a few days after the treatment. If you are working, you will have to find a way to make this possible. Make your house suitable and ensure availability of basic items before you enter treatment. Further, you must be aware of whether pain or burning sensation after the treatment is completed is to be expected and what steps you should take in case there is a problem. Laser acne treatment demands precautions after the skin has been treated so that you can avoid any unwanted effects on your skin.