Internet Network Marketing - Why it"s Important To Get Trained Properly
People start in internet network marketing with out training often.
They start a face book, a myspace, write articles but know very little about how to get noticed on the internet, the name of the game with the internet is who gets on those search engines.
I may be wrong but the internet is a big old place and if your not getting looked no body is going to see what you have to offer them.
That's the whole point of the internet, too get noticed.
People may disagree with me, but it's far more costly if you don't get properly trained in internet network marketing, not in money though.
There's something more important then money in life and that's your time.
The more time you waste by making silly mistakes the longer it will take and the more chance you have of quitting.
If you get properly trained in internet network marketing, you'll make mistakes.
No bodys perfect, but it's the time it takes to get past those mistakes.
The one thing about life is that with out making mistakes people would never learn.
Mistakes are the way human beings learn.
Internet network marketing is an experiment , you write an article , if you're trained in someway you have a better chance of optimizing that article, sure you'll make mistakes on that article but the more you write.
The more the training kicks in and the quicker you'll learn.
You may not believe me in what I say, but it's true.
It also depends on the way you learn, because there's plenty of trainings out there, each offer a different method of training.
Most are you buy an e-book the problem with e-books is you know the information but you don't know how to apply it.
That's my opinion though.
Now when someone doesn't get properly trained in internet network marketing they make a lot of mistakes , for example some don't realize that for each different article site you write a different style , meaning each site looks for different a different thing.
An example of this would be hubpages.
Hubpages would more of a content based writing site they like it when you write quality articles with quality information in it.
The reason i wrote this is because, I'm a internet network marketer and I talk to people all the time.
People say to me, 'I know the internet", or "I know how to write".
If it was that simple why is there training available to people, these training's give you tips, pointers .
These tips are the difference between you being on page 9 of Google searches to being on page 1-2.
People may say whats the difference , people click through results any way, I'll be found.
The difference is money , as I said those who can be found first are the ones that people will find and will want to find out more about.
In conclusion getting in to some sort of training is very important, especially in internet network marketing.
If I was to recommend a training , that you can get help .
I'd choose the one I used it's called the renegade university.
The reason I recommend it , is the trainings very clinical, they dissect the hows in a way that it gets in your head.
They break down all the information in to segments and in these segments they have a serious of step by step , click by click video tutorials showing all the small things down to how to set up a blog, how to set up a hub page.
How to make your article be discovered, well give it a better chance any way.
Lots of stuff all broken down.
They start a face book, a myspace, write articles but know very little about how to get noticed on the internet, the name of the game with the internet is who gets on those search engines.
I may be wrong but the internet is a big old place and if your not getting looked no body is going to see what you have to offer them.
That's the whole point of the internet, too get noticed.
People may disagree with me, but it's far more costly if you don't get properly trained in internet network marketing, not in money though.
There's something more important then money in life and that's your time.
The more time you waste by making silly mistakes the longer it will take and the more chance you have of quitting.
If you get properly trained in internet network marketing, you'll make mistakes.
No bodys perfect, but it's the time it takes to get past those mistakes.
The one thing about life is that with out making mistakes people would never learn.
Mistakes are the way human beings learn.
Internet network marketing is an experiment , you write an article , if you're trained in someway you have a better chance of optimizing that article, sure you'll make mistakes on that article but the more you write.
The more the training kicks in and the quicker you'll learn.
You may not believe me in what I say, but it's true.
It also depends on the way you learn, because there's plenty of trainings out there, each offer a different method of training.
Most are you buy an e-book the problem with e-books is you know the information but you don't know how to apply it.
That's my opinion though.
Now when someone doesn't get properly trained in internet network marketing they make a lot of mistakes , for example some don't realize that for each different article site you write a different style , meaning each site looks for different a different thing.
An example of this would be hubpages.
Hubpages would more of a content based writing site they like it when you write quality articles with quality information in it.
The reason i wrote this is because, I'm a internet network marketer and I talk to people all the time.
People say to me, 'I know the internet", or "I know how to write".
If it was that simple why is there training available to people, these training's give you tips, pointers .
These tips are the difference between you being on page 9 of Google searches to being on page 1-2.
People may say whats the difference , people click through results any way, I'll be found.
The difference is money , as I said those who can be found first are the ones that people will find and will want to find out more about.
In conclusion getting in to some sort of training is very important, especially in internet network marketing.
If I was to recommend a training , that you can get help .
I'd choose the one I used it's called the renegade university.
The reason I recommend it , is the trainings very clinical, they dissect the hows in a way that it gets in your head.
They break down all the information in to segments and in these segments they have a serious of step by step , click by click video tutorials showing all the small things down to how to set up a blog, how to set up a hub page.
How to make your article be discovered, well give it a better chance any way.
Lots of stuff all broken down.