Natural Male Enhancement - How To Enhance Male Orgasm
Men have always believed that they can never experience the kind of intense orgasms that women do, and of course, they also believe they will never be able to have multiple orgasms either.
Due to these beliefs men often feel short changed.
However, research has proven that men are capable of having multiple orgasms and powerful ejaculations that are felt throughout the whole body.
In fact, men can have as much satisfaction from their orgasms as women do, but they need to learn a few natural male enhancement basics first.
Delaying Ejaculation The theory is that the longer the time a man has sex and the harder the erection, the more intense his orgasm will be.
A man needs to almost postpone his ejaculation in order to prolong his orgasm and make it more powerful.
In order to do this, there are a number of techniques that a man can use to postpone his ejaculation.
One of them is to strengthen the pelvic muscle that surrounds the base of the penis by doing kegel exercises.
This muscle controls ejaculation, so when it's strengthened with exercise, a man can learn to delay his ejaculation with practice.
A man can also delay ejaculation by practicing the 'stop-start' technique, which he uses during sex.
He uses this technique just before reaching orgasm to delay ejaculation, and doing this results in a much longer lasting and impressive orgasm.
Another technique to increase orgasmic pleasure is stimulation of the perineum, the skin behind the testicles.
This area is directly linked to the prostate gland and is highly sensitive, and can be likened to the woman's G-spot.
Multiple Orgasms A man can also have an intense orgasm by taking natural male enhancement supplements that give you a harder and more solid erection, by naturally increasing blood flow to the penis.
This can even result in having multiple orgasms so envied by men.
Multi orgasmic men experience orgasm after orgasm without losing their erection and without ejaculation between orgasms.
Ejaculation occurs with the final orgasm.
Men of all ages can experience multiple orgasms.
It all boils down to doing the exercises correctly and taking supplements that boost blood flow to the penis.
Due to these beliefs men often feel short changed.
However, research has proven that men are capable of having multiple orgasms and powerful ejaculations that are felt throughout the whole body.
In fact, men can have as much satisfaction from their orgasms as women do, but they need to learn a few natural male enhancement basics first.
Delaying Ejaculation The theory is that the longer the time a man has sex and the harder the erection, the more intense his orgasm will be.
A man needs to almost postpone his ejaculation in order to prolong his orgasm and make it more powerful.
In order to do this, there are a number of techniques that a man can use to postpone his ejaculation.
One of them is to strengthen the pelvic muscle that surrounds the base of the penis by doing kegel exercises.
This muscle controls ejaculation, so when it's strengthened with exercise, a man can learn to delay his ejaculation with practice.
A man can also delay ejaculation by practicing the 'stop-start' technique, which he uses during sex.
He uses this technique just before reaching orgasm to delay ejaculation, and doing this results in a much longer lasting and impressive orgasm.
Another technique to increase orgasmic pleasure is stimulation of the perineum, the skin behind the testicles.
This area is directly linked to the prostate gland and is highly sensitive, and can be likened to the woman's G-spot.
Multiple Orgasms A man can also have an intense orgasm by taking natural male enhancement supplements that give you a harder and more solid erection, by naturally increasing blood flow to the penis.
This can even result in having multiple orgasms so envied by men.
Multi orgasmic men experience orgasm after orgasm without losing their erection and without ejaculation between orgasms.
Ejaculation occurs with the final orgasm.
Men of all ages can experience multiple orgasms.
It all boils down to doing the exercises correctly and taking supplements that boost blood flow to the penis.