Use Articles to Promote Your Marketing Business For Beginners
When you first begin writing articles to market your home business or website the thought of actually writing an article of your own can seem rather daunting.
It is really not that difficult at all! Step 1 This step can actually be the most difficult for some people, deciding on a topic to write about.
Make sure it's something that you know a lot about personally or have researched thoroughly.
Be absolutely sure that if you use other sources to give credit where credit is due.
All article submission sites abhor plagiarism.
This step is where most people think you create your title but actually that should wait until the very last step of the process.
Step 2 Now, once you have your article idea firmly in mind, make a list of 3 or more main points that you want to get across to your audience.
These will be your starting sentences for each of your paragraphs.
The number of main points will be determined by how long you would like your article to be when completed.
Step 3 Now, go back to your first main point and write 3 - 5 supporting sentences for that point.
These sentences will be the body of that paragraph.
After you finish with main point number 1, continue on with number 2 etc until you finish with all your main points.
Step 4 After you finish with the body or your article it is time to write your introductory paragraph.
This is where you tell your readers what you are about to tell them.
The introduction does not need to be very long.
Just enough to make them want to read the entire article.
Step 5 Now you are ready to write your closing paragraph.
This is just a summation of what they just read.
Hit the highlights of your article so that they stick with the reader when they are finished.
Step 6 Now you are ready to write your title.
The title needs to compel the reader to want to read your article.
Remember, questions can sometimes make great titles.
It can trigger a reaction to want to know more.
Be sure to include your keywords in the title! Keywords to be as close to the beginning of the title as possible and make sure it reads well.
Step 7 When your article is finished, proofread, proofread, proofread! Have someone else read it to check for grammar, spelling or punctuation mistakes.
Once this is done you are ready to submit your article for publication.
It is really not that difficult at all! Step 1 This step can actually be the most difficult for some people, deciding on a topic to write about.
Make sure it's something that you know a lot about personally or have researched thoroughly.
Be absolutely sure that if you use other sources to give credit where credit is due.
All article submission sites abhor plagiarism.
This step is where most people think you create your title but actually that should wait until the very last step of the process.
Step 2 Now, once you have your article idea firmly in mind, make a list of 3 or more main points that you want to get across to your audience.
These will be your starting sentences for each of your paragraphs.
The number of main points will be determined by how long you would like your article to be when completed.
Step 3 Now, go back to your first main point and write 3 - 5 supporting sentences for that point.
These sentences will be the body of that paragraph.
After you finish with main point number 1, continue on with number 2 etc until you finish with all your main points.
Step 4 After you finish with the body or your article it is time to write your introductory paragraph.
This is where you tell your readers what you are about to tell them.
The introduction does not need to be very long.
Just enough to make them want to read the entire article.
Step 5 Now you are ready to write your closing paragraph.
This is just a summation of what they just read.
Hit the highlights of your article so that they stick with the reader when they are finished.
Step 6 Now you are ready to write your title.
The title needs to compel the reader to want to read your article.
Remember, questions can sometimes make great titles.
It can trigger a reaction to want to know more.
Be sure to include your keywords in the title! Keywords to be as close to the beginning of the title as possible and make sure it reads well.
Step 7 When your article is finished, proofread, proofread, proofread! Have someone else read it to check for grammar, spelling or punctuation mistakes.
Once this is done you are ready to submit your article for publication.