Abortion Happens
In other words, a pregnant woman does not desire to have a child for whatever reason.
Having and raising a child involves responsibilities that a woman may not want or cannot undertake.
These include tending for the baby at the start, buying diapers, formula and spending nights caring of the infant.
Motherhood involves fulfilling full-time responsibilities for a child up until age 10 to 12 or older, depending upon the child and the mother.
A mother cannot go out or even work unless she can afford someone to take care of the child.
A mother who works needs a large enough salary to cover a babysitter, the expenses of the child and her own living expenses.
This is a considerable sum for a woman who may not be working or holds a job that pays only a minimum wage.
If a state or the Federal government limits or denies abortions, isn't this in effect involving involuntary servitude as prohibited in Amendment XIII of the Constitution? The woman being denied the abortion is regulated to take care of an unwanted child without compensation until that child is age 18.
That is involuntary child caring for an unwanted child required by law.
A young woman is being denied her youth and/or misses schooling; it is certainly unusual punishment as prohibited in Amendment VIII.
The denial of a young woman's youth is also an unfunded mandate by a government.
It costs anywhere from between $50 to a $75 thousand to properly bring up a child.
This amount does not include the living expenses of the mother and the shelter costs.
Those who advocate as well as those who demonstrate against abortions should be mindful of the responsibilities that come with motherhood and bear most of the costs.
This statement is especially directed towards the Catholic Church, which preaches morality.
How moral is it to force a child on someone who can't afford the child and does not want a child.
Isn't forcing a delivery also taking someone's liberty or property without just compensation? The woman and her belongings are all being overtaken by a new baby.
Those mandating a delivery must assume the financial burdens of both mother and child until the child reach age 18.
Amendment V states "nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.
" In summation, how would legislators for the state or the Federal government like a foster child forced upon them, until that child reaches age 18? Yes, we must be concerned with the unborn embryo, but far more important is the existence of a loving mother who can afford and raise the child in a happy, safe and fully funded environment.
There is no need for or positive effect of increasing the numbers of unwanted children, growing up poorly educated, without the benefits or the love of two parents that most children have.
Frequently, these unwanted children become criminals or live on welfare with their mothers.
Governments must bear this in mind.
The abortion issue involves more than fetuses turning into children and adding to the population.