Virtual Reality Gaming and Dynamic Balance in Older Adults

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Virtual Reality Gaming and Dynamic Balance in Older Adults


Participants in the VRG showed positive changes towards clinical assessment outcome measures versus the CG that showed minimal to no change.

Similarly, as reported in a study by Williams et al., this investigation demonstrated the willingness and compliancy of older adults in balance training using the Wii Fit. During the 6-week intervention, a minimum requirement of 15 training session was set in order to allow for schedule changes and unexpected emergencies and 80% of the participants completed this. Individuals who regularly exercise make gains in strength, functional capacity and confidence. One of the main objectives of this study was to determine the feasibility of increasing dynamic balance and static stability in older adults when using VRG as an exercise intervention. Since significant improvement in dynamic balance and confidence was made on healthy community-dwelling older adults, we speculate similar benefits could be realised in fall risk groups of older adults. Further research is needed in this area.

There were several limitations in this investigation.

No participant was able to complete the entire series of exercises without the use of the assistive device at least one time. This fact is cause for concern for potential injury in regard to independent practice devoid of supervision.

Also, the sample pool from which the participants were selected from is a limiting factor in terms of generalising the outcome measures. All participants were veterans or spouses of veterans from the US military, which created a specific mindset of accountability of appointment keeping, and exercise rigour, which is possibly higher than the average population. Another potential limitation is that this intervention was not compared with any other form of traditional physical therapy balance training programmes. Additionally, we did not have the control group perform the warm-up and cool-down exercises and therefore cannot say with certainty that the intervention group benefits were not due to the warm-up/cool-down routine.

Finally, it would be of interest to conduct a weekly VRG group class to determine the benefit of a less robust exercise programme. Perhaps there would be fewer arthritic complaints and increased attendance.

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