Tips For How To Induce Labor Naturally

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So you're 40 weeks pregnant and you're looking for tips for how to induce labor naturally.
You must be ready to meet your baby, not to mention feeling very large, slow and uncomfortable.
Sleeping for more than a couple of hours is a thing of the past, as bathroom breaks get more and more frequent.
And when you have been to the bathroom for the 3rd time during the night, getting comfortable again is something that just isn't going to happen.
I really do feel for you! I can remember what I felt like at 38 weeks pregnant, and it wasn't pleasant, so if you have another 2 weeks on top of that then wow...
you must be either going out of your mind, or you're a total angel! I'm pretty sure that at 40 weeks your midwife has told you to 'give it a little longer'! Although she may have briefed you on the joys of medically inducing your labor - Ouch! Membrane sweeps and vaginal suppositories are not my idea of a great time.
Let's look at some better ways to naturally induce labor, and make sure you read right to the end.
As all good things worth waiting for, I've saved the best till last! How to induce labor naturally There are many ways to try and induce labor yourself in the comfort of your own home, but the question is which of these methods actually have half a chance of starting those long awaited contractions? Well what we need are something that will cause the cervix to 'ripen' (become soft and get ready for the birth) this is called prostaglandins.
We also need something called oxytocin, and this is the hormone that will cause contractions.
So where you can find these 2 major players to help to induce labor.
  • Sex - Yes that's right, semen contains prostaglandins, although experts will agree that it isn't enough to start labor.
    If you have an orgasm this will release oxytocin, so go for it...
    but don't get your hopes up too high on it actually inducing labor!
  • Evening primrose - This oil is an excellent great source of prostaglandins.
    It can be taken orally from your 36th week of pregnancy, or it can be applied directly to your cervix.
    Not believed to actually induce labor, but can help with the preparations for birth.
  • Red raspberry leaf tea doesn't contain either of the two magic ingredients, but it is believed to tone the muscles of the uterus and pelvis, in turn helping with the actual birth of your baby.
  • Castor Oil - 3 little words 'Don't Do It!' This could cause diarrhea, leading to dehydration which is devastating for you and baby when you're in labor.
  • Nipple stimulation -This will cause the release of oxytocin, but the stimulation has to be carried out for hours, and if it does cause contractions, many women report the intensity and pain to be much more severe than normal.
Acupressure to induce labor This actually works out as one of the top tips for how to induce labor naturally! There are 2 or 3 main pressure points on the body that are known to actually cause contractions, and it is recommended that these pressure points are not manipulated until your pregnancy is full term.
The bonus with inducing labor with acupressure is that once your contractions are started, you can then carry on using acupressure.
There are other pressure points that can help to relieve labor pain, speed up your labor and shorten the time you spend in labor (and that certainly has to be a bonus, the shorter the labor the better!)
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