Belief in God and Direct Democracy Would Have Saved Syria

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The plight of Syria continues with more bloodshed and more violence. The Alwaites, an atheist 10% of the Syrian population of 23 millions, Ismailites descendants of the crusaders, have turned to kill their own people. Syria is made out of a mosaic of Sunni Muslims about 87% of the population Christian minorities and very little Jewish percentage. Among  Muslims there are Shiites with a small minority, Kurds consist about 6 millions of the general population.

Syria has always been the scene of kingdoms, from the Cananite era to the Assyrian era to the omayyad Caliphs, pincedoms and the Ottoman sultan rule. Syria was handed over from the Ottomans to the french after WWI and gain its independence in 1945. Ever since it was subject to succesions of militray Juntas with absolute military rule, authoritarian despostism where one individual dectates his will to the people.

Ever since the coming of Assad family in 1970 two despots ruled  the Syrian people with dominance and oppression, Hafez al-Assad( real name Hafez al-Wahsh:meaning monster in Arabic) and then succeded by his son at the turn of the century. Both have used their executive machine and the security forces as well as the armed forces to rule by a fist of iron.

The Alawites were given first class status and the rest of Syrians became second and third class citizens. The Alawite regime recruited only Alawites, for all political positions, they dominated economic resources of the sountry and became the pivileged class imposing their will over the rest of the Syrians.

Two elements can be observed in the paradigm of the Syrian . The first is the total absence of belief in God. Alawites disbelieve and one Alwaite official declared under  Hafez rule that God is ascribed to the museum. Declaring the laicity of the Syrian state it was identified by the Alawite regime as the Syrian Arab Republic. Islam was reduced to an regressive ideology and Mosques were shut except for prayers where few attended fear of the dogs of the Sultan. The Alawite security forces infiltrared religion and became teachers of Islam destroying religious feelings in the hearts of the people. Sabotage from the inside was effective to great extent.

Islam was and still is the enemy number one to the Alawites, who had no moral codes none whatsoever, lack of religion, applied their rule with absolute oppression.

The second element is the one-man-rule institution that was accepted, and by force, by the Syrians for over five thousands of years culminating in the hands of the Alawite tyranny, is totally responsible for the despotic rule  of the individual and his clan.

No democracy was known to the Syrian people except perhaps for few years in the mid-fiftees of last century where free elections were held. But this was very quickly terminated by the military coup d'etat in 1961 putting an end to the small lived unity with Egypt under Nasser.

What can be deduced from the Syrian syndrome is thus, lack of belief in God and lack of rule of the people.

Belief in God which makes God as the only authority breakes away with personality cult and makes people on equal footing. Fear of God and not of the state would have given the Syrians justice and security.  Applying Islam would have resulted in social hustice, equal distribution of power and equity in wealth sharing. Lack of religious precepts have resulted in man's jungle law where dominance of man over man and where man exploits man came to its zenith. Human values and rights have disappeared giving way to the mighty rule of the individual, whether kings, caliphs( nothing more destructive than this parasite dictatorship over Muslims) or presidents.

The absence of belief in God gives freedom and abuse of freedom to the rulers to impose their will over the people.

The absence of the rule of the people, expressed in referendums, results naturally in the dominance of the one idnividual and his own family, tribe or clan.

Syrians are responsible for such a havoc where the regime's guns are turned against them. They have accepted such a rule system and became its victims. Syrinas call now for freedom and dignity but they forgot that they are the ones who forsake their freedom and dignity, and now they beg for outside help while they themselves have brought their plight on their heads.

If a people, whether Syrians or not, do not accept the individual rule and call for belief in God and they make themselves as the decision-maker through direct democracy, then they would have saved themselves to be offered at the altar of the Devil of the Alawites! 

Read more about these perspectives and contribute your own opinion in the 'Journal of direct democracy and God'.
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